For the second year this 2nd February,2006 the
authorities of the Sea Bird at Arga  Karwar now
christened INS Kadamba did not permit the customary
Feast of Nossa Senhora de Brotas at Anjediva Islands
off Canacona taluka.

This morning there was tight police and naval police
security personnel posted at the various sites
beginning from the Polem checkpost 60 kms from Margao
(border of Goa)an at  Baitkol the Administrative
office the Project Sea Bird Office enroute Binaga and
the Karwar city. 

However many people who came and called at the Sea
Bird office were made to return. For locals the daily
Karavali had carried a press release cautioning the
locals that they would not be permitted on the Island
for the feast.

This writer who was camping in the city of Karwar was
in constant touch with Ms Margaret Alva AICC General
Secretary, at New Delhi for directions to the Sea Bird
authorities to allow entry into the Island but she was
either not available and at one instance her office
claimed "she was either busy attending a meetin or
indisposed. Apparently a common alibi with her looking
after the Goa desk.

Since the 1000 a.m. Mass could not be held there were
several people from Goa who made enquiries at the Paco
Patriacal Bishops House at Panaji in Goa many
contacted this writer on 9822158584 (Helpline) for

The Chief Ministers office in Goa was also being
contacted for any efforts on his part to get the
authorities to move but the CM was reported to be
attending a Cabinet Meet slated for the morning.

Last night the office of the Deputy Commissioner of
Uttar Kanara made sever telephonic calls  with this
writer to ascertain the number of buses coming from
Goa to attend the feast. 

His office was told by this writer that it was
impossible to gauge the numbers who would attend and
at the same time told that the fact that the Navy
should allow the customary feast to be celebrated in
terms of the conditions of transfer dated 8/12/1987
26/7/1989 with due security considerations was a clear
sign that the Navy could not refuse allowing the
devoutees to celebrate the same.

When they stated that Navy had directed them to take
preventive measures he was told that it was not of our
concern -- because the Navy was clearly violating the
terms agreed upon and they would be held responsible
for any law and order problem.  Left with no other
alternative the Navy was asked to clarify in wrtiting
on their insistence that permission was not to be
granted for the feast and also "any other religious
activity" This they omitted and sent a fax late night
at 2310 hrs stating only that the customary feast
could not be permitted due to "operational and
security reasons"

This again was a lapse on the part of the INS Kadamba
officials.. Finally the writer demanded to see
Commodore K P Ramachandran Naval Office-in-Charge but
he claimed to be busy in a meeting "with officials
from Mumbai" >  As the writer promised to wait until
the end of the meet even though called at around 1630
hrs, they finally relented and Vinit Venugopa
Commander Senior Staff officer (Operations) met the
undersigned at Administrative office Arga for a
detailed one and half hour discussion and made
available all the fascimile copies of the documents
which clearly proved that the Navy was linking
unneccesarily the demands of a moffusil local group
who claimed that temples existed on the island and
were removed to mainland and hence the two feasts
should similarly not be permitted.

To an extent the Navy agreed in principle to the need
to restore the festivities and promised to build up
the relations and dialogue to ensure holding of the

Later this writer met the Managing editor of the local
Kannada daily Mr Gangadhar Hiregutti 9845071267 and
also clarified that the Anjediva Island was still a
part of Goa and except for the two feasts celebrated
on 2nd Febraury and 4th October no other feasts of any
"other religious function" was ever held on the Island
ever since the Portugues took over the Island in 1948.

Mr Hiregutti was fully in support that the Feast
should continue as before and he promised to place the
entire issue in the proper perspective based on this
documents which the writer handed over 
He was also asked to visit for other
details on Goa its Liberation and Anjediv Island.

The writer could not meet Mr Mutalik alleged to be
spearheading the movement against the Feast being
conducted, if "worship of a deity on the Island was
not permitted" When the Managing editor was told that
there was never such demand from the people of Goa how
could a person from Karnataka make such a claim he
merely stated that is "political moves"

Meanwhile following the fax message to the Defence
Minister the Chairperson UPA and Congress President Ms
Sonia Gandhi the Prime Minister of India and the
President of India it is confirmed from sources in the
INS Kadamba (Sea Bird Project) that the officials of
the  Integreted Headquarters Ministry of Defence
(Navy) had asked for a detailed report on the
developments leading to todays 
law and order situation at the base.  

This writer spoke to several armed police personnel
incognito -- and they were full praise for the "people
of Goa" who they said are peaceloving people but "we
had to only avoid bad elements from creating a
religious frenzy" they stated.

One of them confessed that he and his family used to
visit the Island since 1983 when he was posted in
Karwar division and it is only in 2004 that they faced
a near riot situation when Commodore  S S Karnik
refused to allow the Hindu devoutees of Karwar to
visit the Island.  This they allege caused the
bitterness against the Naval authorities. He also
mentioned that labour unrest with employment of
Northerners instead of locals had caused the illwill
against the Navy and they too retaliated by refusing
permission to the locals.  It was owing to this in
revenge they demanded that people of Goa too be
refused permission and that caused the final closure
of the island to the public which is now sought to be
re-opened as a healing touch.

Meanwhile this writer while in the Sea Bird office
learnt that nearly 100 landloser of Karwar were
provided employment in menial cadres.  But many people
from Karwar loathe the Naval personnel as they have
usurped large tracts of land along the coast line the
beach and now the navy is constructing a 18 hole golf

Is this the security considerations or is it enjoying
the good side of life one wonders.  One karwar evacuee
told this writer in a local hotel during meal time
that the Navy took away the beach at Binaga and left
the badly maintained Karawalli beach for the locals. 
The wall build is not for security but to "hide the
luxuries afforded to these officers " said another who
works as a driver at Sea Bird operating his car for Rs
545/ per day with a minimum 100 kms assured trip per

Meanwhile the 1.3 km road leading to the Anjediv
Church is still not asphalted and hence it would be
difficult for one to move thereon.  A sepoy stationed
outside the wall on security duty after much coaxing
confessed that the same was not asphalted apparently
to avoid visitors on the Island.  Frankly speaking he
admitted that the area has not been assesible even to
locals but family friends of officials have visited
the same.

Now the battle moves to New Delhi and the local State
Government to see that justice is done by October 2006

from the Arga end INS Kadamaba

Borda Margao Goa

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