Exactly nineteen years ago on Wednesday  4th February,
1987  Konkani the mothertongue of every blue blooded
Goan became the sole official language of the State
after the enactment of The Goa Daman and Diu  Official
Language Act 1987.  But that day the news turned out
to be a damp squib. The oft heard comment was "ami
Konknni maglem ani amcam Marathi mellam" this was a
snide remark to the Konkani recognised only in
Devanagari script.

Little did the Goans especially from the coastal
talukas or "Velhas Conquistas" under 451 years of
Portuguese rule (25.11.1510 to 19.12.1961) ----the
other talukas "Novas Conquistas" were under Portuguese
rule beginning from 1763-1961----realise that Konkani
in Devanagari script --- was accepted as the "natural
script" ---by the Advisory Committee of the Sahitya
Akademi New Delhi consisting of mainly Hindu Saraswat
Brahmins on 21.11.1981. Yet  the "Konkani Porjecho
Avaz " KPA heading the language agitation with Covenor
 Mr Pundalik Naik, a Hindu Bahujan (non Brahmin)
guided by Uday L Bhembre a Hindu Saraswat Brahmin and
one of the signatory to the 1981 decision made the
Catholics to compromise on Konkani in the Roman script
and accept Konkani in Devanagari script so that the
Hindu Bahujan Samaj, " would slowly but surely accept
Konkani in Devanagari script". It was also stated that
it would act as a deterrent to the influx of those
from outside the State. That never happened even in
this 19th year after recognition of Konkani and will
never ever happen but what eventually  happened was
that children of "Cristaos" conversant with the
Konkani in Roman script since the 16th century were
made guinea pigs in laboratories (schools) where
teachers in the English medium primary  schools were
made to overnight since 1989-90 teach children in 125
primary Diocesan run schools Konkani in Devanagari
scriptat the same time themselves learning the script.
Moreover there is a mushrooming of English medium
primary schools where admissions are open for all and

This resulted in the standard of education in diocesan
schools coming down, the quality of students produced
was below standard; but ironically, in the last 18
years  the protoganists of KONKANI in only Devanagari
script which  constitute 3% of the population of Goa
13,87,807 (2001 census) succeded in having  the first
Doctorate being awarded to a student of Konkani
literature in Devanagari script, by the Goa University
last winter 2005, while Konkani in Roman script is
dying a cancerous death.

The seriousness of the issue is such that in all
matters of employment where advertisements for
placement in  the Goa Government and its allied bodies
appear there is a mention of language " Knowledge of
Konkani compulsory  Marathi desirable " but sadly that
Konkani is in Devanagari script as per section 2 of
the Official Language Act, 1987 which does not
recognise the Roman script.

And while "Cristaos" have realised this late now mourn
this day or for that matter 20th August 1992 when
Konkani was included  in the VIII Schedule of the
Constitution --- ( VIII Schedule --refers to all
languages which are recognised by the Union of India)
ironically the Hindu Saraswat Brahmins are celebrating
today at the 3rd "Saraswat Festival" at BPS Club
grounds Margao Goa.  

The Archdiocese of Goa & Daman is primarily
responsible  for this grave injustice done to the
Catholic community who are mainly conversant with
Konkani in Roman script, for relying heavily on the
"wisdom"  "buddhi" of Mr Uday Laximikant Bhembre
(Advocate) and ex Independent MLA Margao, little
realising the undercover clandestine long term
machinations and designs intended to relegate the
Catholic community to second class status after the
Portuguese left in December 1961. As a matter of fact
it was one Mr Manjunath who at the first All India
Konkani Parishad held at Karwar mooted the idea of
universalisation of Konkani and recommended devanagari
script as the "natural script" for Konkani.

Can the harm be undone.  Yes certainly.  Fourteen
Catholic  MLA's in the Goa Legislative Assembly all
conversant with Konkani in Roman script irrespective
of party affiliation (please note the Constitution of
India does not recognize any political party it only
recognises the majority elected members of the House
-Assembly/Parliament- who can cobble a majority and
come forward to occupy the treasury benches in  the
House.) who can do justice --- for its now or never.

Amend the Goa Daman & Diu official language Act 1987
section 2 ---- Konkani means "in Devanagari script" 
to this just add " AND in Roman script" 

This amendment will not only do justice to "Konkani
mai" but  it will also bring forth UNITY IN LANGUAGE
--- DIVERSITY in scripts --- let Konkani  scripts be
Devanagari and Roman in Goa, Kannada in Karnataka and
Malayalam in Kerala etc.

The Archbishop of Goa & Daman should also petition to
the President of India, (this is besides the
voluminous signatures that have been sent  to his
office by a local group) the Government of Goa should
also place the several emails recieved by the Chief
Minister Mr Pratapsing Raoji Rane and the Minister for
Education Mr Luizinho Faleiro and MLA of Navelim
Salcete Goa the largest Parish in Asia, for the
perusal and directions of the High Command,Ms Sonia
Gandhi MP and  President of the Indian National
Congress and Chairperson of the United Progressive
Alliance (UPA) to obtain the Party clearance for
moving the amendment in the current session which is
of 5 days. Likewise the coalition partner Nationalist
Congress Party (NCP) should follow suit.

The attempt to introduce English as one subject in the
primary schools with Konkani as the medium of
instructions is welcome but a sly ploy not to acede to
the demand for recognition of konkani in Roman script.
 It is also intended to neutralise the furore that has
been witnessed worldwide since June 2005 for the
movement of recognition of Konkani in Roman script.
The call by all lovers of diversity in script for
Konkani for boycott of the All India Konkani Parishad
from 13th February, 2006 in Goa is a litmus test to
this genuine demand for recognition to Konkani in
Roman and other scripts as well.

There is no point in for these fourteen Cristao MLAs
and one MP acting against the dictates of their
conscience for "fear of being branded as communal" it
is obvious that they ought to bell the cat or the
electorate will deal a heavy blow to them at the next

This writer has the assurance of the Leader of the
Opposition Mr Manohar Parrikar, the President of the
BILL if placed before the House.  The UGDP MLA Mr
Mathany Saldanha too is in favour of the amendment. 
The ex MLA and ex Union Minister for Law Mr Ramakant
Khalap is already on record that at the height of the
language agitation since September 1985 he was
vehemently advising that the Catholics should demand
Konkani in Roman script at the time the Official
language act was passed.

Yet again Goans today do not have an IDENTITY  ---
while the world recognises Goa as a land blessed by
nature and its people having an unique tradition of
communal  "tolerance" (not harmony) irrespective of
religion; the seeds of this tolerance is owing to the
fusion of the East meets West culture of Goa that was
evolved following 451 years of the Portuguse rule ---
which means a fusion that is inclusive of "the pre
1510 Indian culture and post 1510 - 1961 culture "---
whatever be the grim historical circumstances viz
prosyletisation -- inquisition (religion of the King
of Portugal to be  that of its subjects etc ). The
"mandos" "dulpods" etc were an outpouring of this
fusion culture and this needs to be embodied as the
clandestinely done today viz; promoting on pre 1510
culture as that of Goa.

Therefore GOANS WORLDWIDE need to vow today to have
this agenda listed at every fora of their lives DEMAND

a) to bring an amendment to the Official language Act
1987 to recognise Konkani in Roman script
b) to define the "cultural policy of the State"  to
include both the "pre 1510 and the post 1510-1961 east
west fusion " as THE CULTURE OF GOA AND GOANS.

Let this be a beginning for every Goan on the high
seas, in the Gulf countries in West and in all the
continents of the world to usher in  a new era in Goa,
as we move into the second half of the new millenium
twenty first century  beginning financial year 2006
-2007   before Goa turns into a mini India changing
the demographic composition of the State or ending up
as a globalised village by the end of this decade.




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