'AIFF A Disgrace?'

Soccernetindia editor Lyndon Miranda gives us his view
on the recent developments over the Fransa issue.

Well it looks like sense has finally prevailed in the
AIFF as they have decided to postpone Fransa's matches
to a latter date. I can assure you that it is not
really a change of heart, they have just got wiser.
Big step forward there for them. Maybe their
administration skills will also improve now. 


The AIFF has said that the game cannot be replayed as
the rules don't permit it, then how come Uzbekistan vs
Bahrain match for the WC qualifiers was replayed after
a referee error changed the outcome of the match???
The reason given by FIFA was that the referee failed
to adhere to a rule and that is why the match was
replayed and if I am not mistaken the referee was
suspended for life. Hmm? Interesting. So I guess the
rules can be bended in such an instance. Well, the
referee in the Fransa - Mahindra match also did not
adhere to the penalty rule as he made his own, and not
to forget the penalty he gave to Mahindras and also
the goal he disallowed. I guess, the fact that the
referee has changed quite a few rules of the game or
misintrepeted it or whatever, is grounds enough for
Fransa getting a rematch. People from the AIFF only
sit in their office and talk, have they ever pumped in
money from their own pockets into the game? Actually,
they have taken money fron the game. I am not accusing
anyone in particular of taking the money, as i don't
know who, but it is someone from within the body as
the 1996 audit of the AIFF found out that 2.5 crores
had been unaccounted for. Hmmm? Where did the money

I will also like to bring to the notice of the
Federation the manner in which they responded to
journalists when questioned on the Fransa matter.

Remarks such as " It is a democratic country", and "
You should not take Politicians words at face value"
or the fact that Dasmunshi seemed not bothered at all
of Fransa's threat to pull out of the NFL, just goes
to show that people who dont know how to respond to
the media, considering their position within the game,
shouldn't be allowed to run the game. You'll dont even
know how to speak to the press. In a situation like
this when one would try to be diplomatic to try and
diffuse the tension, the AIFF has only acted in a
manner where the situation would only be aggravated.
If you'll dont know how to think before making a
statement considering your position, whatever your
personal feelings may be on the same, I can just
imagine the thinking that must be going on into
running the game in the country. An example of thw way
the AIFF should have handled the situation, is the way
Savio Messais did. I was witness to the abusive
language Messais recieved at the hands of the crowd
though it wasn't his fault. But if one had to see his
letter to Fransa's decision to withdraw from the NFL,
one would notice that he has been Diplomatic and has
tried to convince Fransa to play on in the NFL and how
the loss will be big to Indian football. Thats how my
friends the situation should have been handled not the
manner in which the AIFF handled it.

Getting back to what they said, " You shouldn't take
what politicians say at face value.' Woh! I guess the
guy who said this statement spoke before he could
think, yeah i know he is from the AIFF so it is
obvious he spoke before thinking, but an interesting
thing I will like to point out, isn't Dasmunshi a
politician??? So i guess whatever Dasmunshi says, we
shouldn't take at face value. All the things he has
been blabbing about like how Indian football is going
to move up and WC qualification and blah blah blah
blah, shouldn't be taken at face value. Afterall he is
also a politician. Ain't I right AIFF? So now to put
things in simple words, the person who is running the
game that we love so much in India is being run by a
person whose words we shouldn't take at face value, or
rather pay any heed to. Interesting. Especially since
it comes straight from the mouth of AIFF's top brass.
Damn, all this while i thought that Indian football
was really progressing, but now i am dissapointed as i
learnt that the person who was saying that, is a
person whose words i shouldn't believe. 

As far as Bikramjit is concerned, the AIFF suspended
him. What I don't get though is why did the AIFF not
discuss the Fransa issue the same day Bikramjit issue
was discussed. Why did they want 15 more days? Video
footage was available, the mistakes were easy to point
out, then why the delay? Are you'll going slow with
the decision to keep pace with the speed at which your
brains function, i.e slow.???

As far as Gary Love Joy's comments on not showing
matches of AIFF goes and his stand of support to the
AIFF, let me ask you a simple question. How long have
you been associated with the game in India? A few
months nah? You know nothing about the past. How
refereeing has seen teams relegated. So, when you are
unaware, it is better that you refrain from making
comments. Once you learn more about the game in India,
then you may speak. I have been following Indian
football since i was 7. Its almost 13 years now. That
is why I speak. From what I have heard, the AIFF
things I am too sarcastic and they want to know why I
am attacking them so much, you see as an Indian
football fan, I can't bear to see such injustice being
done. I want to see the game in India move up. That's
the only reason. It is nothing personal. If tomorrow
you'll had to do something right, I would congratulate
you'll on it.

A request to Indian Football fans. Please support our
stand on giving justice to Fransa. 

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