Rane Govt following BJP on OSDs

PANJIM, FEB 14 - The  Rane-led coalition  Government  in Goa  seems 
to  promote    what  the  BJP  was  once   flayed for  - inducting 
Officers  on Special    Duty (OSDs).
This   Government has inducted   13 OSDs between January 2005 and
February 2006. This   costs the Government  Rs 1.50 lakh  per  month 
towards  their salaries.
While, the office of the  Chief  Minister  has  inducted  an OSD,   
seven  other ministers in the  cabinet have  also inducted  OSDs.
These  include  the offices   of the  ministers  for  Power,  Urban
Development  Town and  Country Planning,  Panchayat Raj   Education,
Health  and Water   Resources.
The office of the  advocate  general has  two OSDs.
Similarly, an OSD each has been appointed in the  departments   of 
Environment,   Art and  Culture and Water  Resources.
The  most recent  appointment  of  an OSD  was to the  Department  of 
Art and  Culture, Prasad Lolienkar  on  January 9, 2006. The
appointment of the second  OSD  to the  office  of  the  advocate 
general  was  however  from   April 12,  2005  to June  30,  2005.

Peace be with you!

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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