Bus owners to serve ultimatum on Govt

MARGAO, FEB 14 - The Goa Bus Owners Association has decided to serve a
15-day ultimatum on the Government to either increase the bus fare or
face strong action.
Though the Association has declined to outline what action they are
contemplating to take in the event the Government rejects their
demands, inside sources said the bus owners has decided to go on an
indefinite strike and withdraw buses from the roads.
This decision was taken at a meeting of the Association held under the
presidentship of Rajnikant Naik at Jaganath Hall here on Tuesday
morning, wherein bus owners sounded highly critical over the manner in
which the Government is treating them.
Speakers came out strongly in favour of drastic action to force the
Government to long-pending demand of a fare hike.
Later speaking to Herald, Association General Secretary Avinash
Shirodkar said the bus owners will formally serve the notice on the
Government on Wednesday to meet their demands, adding that the bus
owners will also call on the Transport Minister Pandurang Madkaikar to
help resolve the problem.
"The bus owners are in favour of an amicable settlement of the
long-pending matter. Our grievances are genuine in view of the steep
rise in petroleum products", he maintained.
Shirodkar disclosed that the bus owners will be happy if the
Government implements the fare approved at the Cabinet meeting.
Replying to a question, he refused to categorically say whether the
bus owners will on a strike after 15 days, but warned that the
Association will act very strongly in case the fare hike demand is not
met by then.

Peace be with you!

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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