The latest IndianFootball.Com Guest Column Lector
Mascarenhas. Lector Mascarenhas is a former Goan state
level footballer and he in his write-up titled "Man in
Black" looks at the scenario surrounding the referees
and their plight. 

Read the complete article here >> IndianFootball.Com
guest columns: LECTOR MASCARENHAS 

Men in Black 
Indian football is making news for all the wrong
reasons, once again. Now it's the turn of the referees
to come into focus. Not that they were not in news
whenever and wherever football is played. Infact, they
are picked up for criticism after every match by the
coaches of the losing team. One cannot blame the
coaches for shifting the blame of the loss on the poor
referee but frankly one should not also blame only the
referee for the results. 

To err is human and without the human factor the charm
of the game is lost. We must make use of the
technology at our disposal but overdoing it can do
more harm than good to the game of football. So how
about the fourth empire like in the game of cricket? I
am sure FIFA must be deliberating about this move but
only time will tell whether it will come some day
before it is too late. And I don't think that the west
requires it much considering the high quality of
refereeing and high tolerance and sporting spirit of
the football lovers whenever referees err. 

But this is not the case in India. Poor refereeing is
not a stray incident. For a very long time now, we are
trying to raise our standard and our aim they say is
to qualify for the World Cup. Mind you its not winning
the World Cup but just qualifying for it. Should we
not actually aim for the Asian Games, instead? We are
yet to have a concrete youth development program for
our youngsters but are still aiming high. The Goa FA
is India's front-runner in youth development program
but have no yearly budget for the same. Without the
professional Clubs support nothing much can be
achieved. As we are talking about improving our
football, isn't it sensible to talk about improving
refereeing too? I have never come across anybody
talking about the difficulties the referees face in
today's football. 

>From where shall we get high quality referees? Like
footballers they too must graduate from the lower
rungs of their ladder. Goa being the model state for
the game of football, quality referees should have
come from this state but nothing of this sort has
happened. We have produced quality players, quality
coaches but no referees. We can take pride about Goan
referees doing well elsewhere like Alex Vaz and Melwyn
D'Souza but nothing to show here at home. What could
be the reason? The reasons could be many but I can
pick up two main reasons for youngsters not taking up
refereeing. One - referees are paid very poorly and
two - they have no security at the grass root level. 

I am told that in the Goa league the payments for
referees are as follows. A Referee is paid Rupees
150/- for the third and second Divisions and Rs 300/-
for the first and professional Leagues. Now we all
know that like the players the referees too have to
spend half a day both traveling and also officiating
the match. With this kind of renumerations who would
take up the profession of refereeing? Even a plumber
who came to my house recently charged me Rs 400/- for
a one-hour job. Look at the payment of players in the
Goa Professional League and the poor referees on the
other side. In a football match the referee runs as
much as the players if not more and has a big role to
play in decision making yet neglected when it come to
payments. Remember the letter M besides Money stands
for Motivation, too. 

Referees require security. You hear referees being
assaulted time and again both in the village
tournaments and the lower Goa division leagues. It's
true that due complaints are filed in the police
stations but nobody comes to know about the outcome of
the same. And we all know that by the time legal
action is taken the poor referee will be visiting the
police station more than officiating matches.
Prevention is better then cure. We must deal with the
organizers of the football match severely, for not
protecting the referees. They must be fined and the
amount recovered could be given to the victim, as

Our university football players could be targeted for
talent hunt in the field of refereeing. Referees need
high decision making ability besides knowledge of the
game and physical fitness. I am sure if the conditions
of the referees are improved more youngsters will take
up refereeing thus saving the game from likes of P
Bikramjit Singh and the supporters of Fransa-Pax FC
who damaged public property. 

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