On Sat Feb 18 04:26:44 PST 2006, Cornel wrote:

> Hi Bosco
> Surely, Dev Borem Korum would be objectionable to many sincere agnostics 
> and atheists.Why bring religion or God into this debate at all?
> Cornel

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bosco D'Mello"

> > If an email signature is the cause for such futile discussion, may I 
> > suggest to Gabe, that he sign off with "Dev Borem Korum".

RESPONSE: Sure, Cornel......I expected to hear from that quarter. You would 
like us to take into consideration objections from agnostics and atheists - 
sincere and otherwise at the expense of of believers in a God ?? Ignore 
them ?? Give them the short-end ?? Is it so difficult to say Thank you in our 
own language to end an email message?? Does it give some acute heart-burn ?? 
Like this discussion appears to have.

Why make this a religious issue - I guess only agnostics and atheists could ?? 

As a Goan, tell me how do we say Thank you, Good morning, Good night, etc in 

On a similar ntoe, what do we say to George Pinto, who earlier today forwarded 
the petition for Romi KONKNNI......."uh-oh....sorry George, we can't have any 
of it....there will be OBJECTIONS from those that support the Devnagiri 
script ??"

If we profess so much love for Goa and our identity, etc.....and all the blah-
blah that we make.....lets walk the talk....in small steps....discreetly and 
otherwise. In no way am I taking on an angelic love of Goa, Konkani and my 
roots. I have my own shortcomings to deal with.

And with that......Dev Bori Raat Diu !!

Best - Bosco

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