Carnival revived
   By: Janaki Fernandes

Six years after the Bajrang Dal disrupted a New Year’s party in suburban
Borivli, residents have decided to revive the traditional Carnival
celebration this weekend.

The Carnival celebration that was held since 1982 in the I C Colony area,
was discontinued in 1999 after the trouble by the Bajrang Dal over the
deadline for the New Year bash.

But with the change of regime in the state and at the centre, residents have
reason to celebrate again. ‘‘We need an occasion to bring people together
and the Carnival seems like the perfect way,’’ explained Raju Pullan one of
the organisers.

Even the recent attack by Shiv Sainiks on a Valentine’s Day party in
Nalasopara does not bother the organisers.

The Carnival celebration falls ahead of the month-long season of fasting and
repentance for Christians that culminates in the remembrance of the death
and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The I C Colony Citizens Forum, an umbrella association of sports clubs,
residents associations and charitable groups in the area, have come together
to revive the festivities.

The focus of the celebration will be a procession through the area with
groups organising floats on various themes.
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Edward Verdes

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