It is  time that the judicial authority cracks it's
whip to bring some sanity and sanctity to the
despicable manner in which a great deal of notary 
work is conducted in Mumbai.

The profession of notaries is regulated by the
Notaries Act, 1952 and allows a notary to verify,
authenticate, certify or attest the execution of any 
document,  to administer oaths and to or take
affidavits from any person.

By the Notaries Rules, 1956 every notary is supposed
to maintain a notarial register making an entry of
every document attested and a notary  is supposed to
operate from an  office  within  the  area mentioned 
in the certificate issued to him.

Notaries and their agents cannot be pimping out at bus
stops outside courts and court canteens blindly
signing documents without even the presence of 
the  executant of the document and the witnesses
identifying the executant.

The executant of a document and the persons
identifying him have by law to sign in a register to
be maintained by every notary something that is 
glaringly violated by most of Mumbai's notaries.

Notarising has attained notoriety and even a document
signed in the name of a dead man can be attested
without any hassles whatsoever.

In a way all this brings disrepute to the whole legal
system which has to be set right. Notary work is
serious business and not all about rubber stamps 

Aires Rodrigues

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