
Several classmates at the school I studied at, in N. India, were children of 
Army personnel. They always came to school in Army trucks. I never knew they 
may have paid for the service. Thanks for sharing that.

On the flipside, the Indian Army, would take all students from our school in 
their Shaktiman trucks to their base regularly for Hindi movies. While the 
fare of movies were dour, the ride to/from the base was always exhilarating - 
open trucks, high-speed........Just before graduation, the class spent an 
entire day at "the range" - running with stone-laden backpacks, target 
shooting (live ammo), mock attacks thru growing "bootha" fields and mounds of 
earth. Was a tough day - several bottles of Iodex and Sloans were utilized 
that night. While the class had an entertaining day, nobody contemplated 
joining the Armed Services, other than Balwinder and the Dhupia bros. Several 
years later, I still carry those wonderful memories about the Armed Services.

The Armed Services in India are always perceived to be above the law, possibly 
due to their own judiciary system - the Army Act. Nevertheless, it is in the 
interest of the Armed Services that fellow Indians know more about the former. 
To that end, you have volunteered information, several times. Thank you. I 
hope you continue to do so.

Best - Bosco

gilbert menezes wrote on Wed Mar 8 20:02:33 PST 2006:

In your continueing campaign to tarnish the image of the Armed Forces,
you are now implying that families of servicemen get free helicopter
rides, and kids get free transportation to school.

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