Tariq Ahmad Battlo Jalal is the name of the tourist that resided at Rosa
Mystica Apartments Sirvodem-Navelim, a short distance away from Margao, for
the last  eight months. Zarina Shah, the former Vice-Chairperson of Margao
Municipal Council is alleged to have introduced Tariq as Ishq Bhat to
Ms.Clara Gonsalves, the owner of the flat. Zarina is a Congress politician.
She is alleged to have paid the first six months rent for the flat at
monthly intervals. The Goa Police are alleged to have picked Tariq on 03
March, 2006. They even tried to take Ms.Clara Gonsalves for 'debriefing' or

The mystery is who got the hand grenades [real or dud] and the 1 kg packet
of substance suspected to be RDX [ it is hoped that at least the weight is
correct] for the Goa Police. "Planting" incriminating 'evidence' is
something that is routinely learnt by the Goa Policemen from ANC who have
made extortion a fine art. they could even be appointed as faculty in the
Goa College of Fine Arts that could anly develop a model for "gang rape" in
which the victim has the hymen intact.

Time the Goa Police sent their cadres to Mumbai, UP or Delhi to learn the
art of fake "encounters". Dead men tell no lies. Custodial deaths are messy
[refer Abdul Gaffar case in Margao]. And live prisoners can  turn 'hostile'
witnesses. The Goa Police are bound to have a close encounter of a kind they
do not want...except if they send the inconvenient prisoner out to some
other state on a "transfer warrant" . Publicity works both ways. Parrikar is
learning this from Vishwajeet. "Chota muh, baddi baath."

Viva Goa.

----- Original Message -----
As the plot thickens, police enact high drama!
PANJIM, MARCH 10 – The  arrest of  Tariq Ahmed Battlo in Margao has opened
a Pandora’s Box as many questions remain unanswered in the case.

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