Spring fest in Goa
Panaji, Mar 18: Traditional Indian music and dance were part of

colorful processions that waded their way through the streets of

coastal Goa on March 16 in celebration of an age-old festival.

"Shigmo", which signals the onset of spring, began with the ritual
"Rommatamel" and "Fugdi" dances.

Hundreds of performers attired in white outfits and colorful turbans
danced with gay abandon chanting the name of Hindu God Lord Krishna
and showcasing mock fights.

Though the festival traces its roots to Hindu religion, it has emerged
as an example of communal harmony over the years, with members of all
religions actively participating in it.

"After harvesting, people from all over the state celebrate Shigmo. It
is like (spring colour festival of) Holi for us and has been with us
for thousands of years. The Portuguese ruled over us for over 400
years but we still kept our traditions and it remains till today,"
said Ravi Naik, Member of Goa's Legislative Assembly.

As the evening progressed, celebrations reached a crescendo with the
display of martial arts dances of the region.

"I'm enjoying the rides and performances. You don't know what to
expect next. Its quite fantastic," said Andrew, a tourist from

Among the most eagerly awaited part of the festivities were the
colorful tableaux depicting scenes from Indian mythology.

The festival was celebrated in ancient times to celebrate the
homecoming of warriors who left their homes and families to fight
invaders. In modern times, the festival was celebrated to coincide
with the ripening of the winter crop.

The former Portuguese colony was under European rule till 1961 when
Indian troops occupied it 14 years after India's independence from the
British rule.

Nearly 30 percent of Goa's 13 million people are Christian.

Bureau Report


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

Comment: Before we get people disputing the population of Goa, me
thinks that it was a typo should read 1.3 million?

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