
'In alio pediculum, in te ricinum non vides !'

Question: Have you ever considered a brain - transplant ?

'Argumentam ad ignorantiam !'


Message: 14
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2006 13:31:49 -0800 (PST)
From: Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Re: Portuguese Passport & the Bonefacio factor
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

On 19/03/06, Gabriel de Figueiredo wrote:
> That trickle ... depends which way you look at
> statistics.  BTW, where did you get that number of
> non-interested people? Counting tea-leaves?
> I do take offence to your reference to "brown
> Portuguese". Would such a description be legal in
> country, eg calling you a "brown American"?
Gabe Menezes adds:
RESPONSE: May I also add, or if someone called Goveia
a third class American, as he can never aspire for the
top post of President of the USA, having not been born
in the USA.
Mario reminds everyone:
Gabe reminds me of a defense attorney.  He has
provided partially accurate information that is of no
practical use to anyone, and may even be misleading.
Only Gabe can explain what his comment has to do with
the context of this thread, or the comments in the
previous post by Gabriel on skin color.
Perhaps Gabe was hoping that no one would notice that
HE is a third class "brown" citizen in dingy ole
London, where he lives, because he can be deported if
he is found to be encouraging and inciting violence by
the Islamo-fascists he openly supports, and since he
cannot run for Head of State because Queen Elizabeth
is not his mother.  For those with short memories,
Gabe is one of those who blamed Tony Blair for the
bombings of innocent civilians in London on 7/7.

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