I don't agree with the suggestion that don't-share-or-it-won't-sell is
the only model that works. Take a look at creativecommons.org for other
possible models.

Over the years, I have shared a lot of my writing and over 2000
photographs on Goa. At the end of the day, I've gained maybe a
hundredfold myself! Of course, the goal of sharing is not to gain
oneself; but that is one of the consequences that comes along.

Domnic does a great job in writing down his memories. He's a good
narrator too. But his work got all the more noticed because it was
widely circulated through the internet in general, and via Goanet in
particular. Sharing is both good and rewarding. These are the lessons I
learnt from the Free Software movement. --FN

> [Goanet] Domnic Fernandes' articles and upcoming book
> Cecil Pinto cpinto at sancharnet.in 
> Sat Mar 25 03:56:45 PST 2006 
> Another bothersome development is that many websites and printed 
> publications are hosting/printing Domnic's articles without even asking his 
> permission - leave alone proffering any payment. This is blatantly 
> unethical -besides being illegal....
> I can understand someone appreciating an article of Domnic's and forwarding 
> it to his friends, saying "You must read this! Great stuff", but to host or 
> print it, specially on a commercial website/publication is unfair....

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