Guys, guys, guys.  Calm down.  Sheesh!
This is a public forum for those who believe in free
speech, not a news magazine, and not the Entertainment
Channel:-))  Pretend you are in a coffee house or a
bar.  The guests are from all over the world.  Each
has his or her own point of view.  Occasionally the
discussions will generate some heat with the light
being in the eye of the beholder.  Are you forgetting
we are mostly Goans where 5 people can generate at
least 10 opinions at the same time on the same topic,
even before the first drink is served?
And don't even get me started on the Portuguese, who
are still fondly remembered by some for keeping the
rest of us in line, with whips in the words of one
Name calling and foul language on Goanet?  Saiba
boggus.  The sharp-eyed Goanet moderators always send
my posts back to change terms they deem to be
name-calling or foul language.  Talk about
authoritarian.  Once they would not allow me to call
someone an Ayatollah, which I thought was a highly
respected cleric among Muslim Shia:-))
In recent months, over 75% of the posts have been cut
and paste articles from newspaper web sites, so how
come Vidhyadhar found 75% of the posts to be
In fact, in the same post referenced below, Clinton
Vaz later called those he was accusing "trolls", and
got away with it, proving he was like the pot calling
the kettle black when it comes to sophisticated
name-calling and foul language.
BTW, when was the last time anyone saw Clinton Vaz 
point out someone else's "mindless nonsense".  If
there was so much of it on Goanet one would think that
he would have easily been able to post an occasional
rebuttal to the nonsense.   
I guess there are some who only want to be entertained
and cannot deal with free speech and robust debate. 
They should start their own newsgroup, use their
delete buttons as often as I do, or drop in and out as
Vidhyadhar has suggested, and even provided detailed
instructions for.
--- Vidyadhar Gadgil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sat, 2006-03-25 at 12:59 -0800,
> > From: "Clinton Vaz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: [Goanet] What's happening to Goanet?
> > Enough of this nonsense. The past few months have
> seen Goanet
> > discussions
> > degenerate into mindless nonsense, name calling
> and foul language. I'm
> > missing the old Goanet and I don't want to read
> posts like this that
> > make no
> > sense at all.
> Yeah, this is really getting to be too much. About
> 75% of Goanet
> nowadays is unreadable. At the risk of being called
> authoritarian, the
> moderators need to step in and take strong action,
> else people will be
> unsubscribing in droves, I'm sure many have already
> done so.

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