Further to my enquiry regarding the Gomant Vishwa
Samellan in 2005, I checked the nrigoa website and saw
the following names in the  Advisory Committee:-

Committee Members 
 Shri. Edgar Leo Martins, Portugal 
 Shri. Zamir Khan, Saudi Arabia 
 Mr. Rene Baretto, London 
 Mr. Eddie Fernandes, U. K 
 Humberto Rabindra Pimenta, Kuwait 
 Victor Anthony Fernandes, Canada 
 Victorino Pinto, Swizerland 
 Alexander Menino, Kuwait 
 Simon Xavier D’Silva, Doha Qatar 
 Thomas A. Pereira, USA 
 Yvonne Pereira, Kenya 
 Alex Wilson Coelho, Kuwait 
 Shri. Ashok G. Bale, New York 
 Shri. Surendra Vasant Borkar, Australia 
 Ms. Karin Elizabeth Fernandes, Canada 
 Maria de Lourdes Figueiredo de Albuquerque, Lisbon 
 Shri. Joaquim D’Souza, Dubai 
 Shri. Ratikant Mandrekar, Abu Dhabi 

I don't know if Joaquim D'Souza attended the Dubai
meet. The point here is that the the NRI Facilitation
Centre could ask the above committee members to gather
the complaints, grievances and problems and sent them
to the centre instead of the three-member delegation
making the trip to Kuwait, Abu Dhabi and Dubai.
Here is the full report in The Emirates Evening Post.
I have carried the report "as is" George, who is chief
reporter, erred in making in Felicitation instead of
Facilitation and misspelled Dourdo instead of Dourado.
According to the website Surlakar is still a member
and not ex-member. However, as Dourado explained the
website has not been updated. I was quoted in the
paper, but I will provide a personal viewpoint of the
whole "exercise" tommorrow. I was waiting for the
evening daily to be out and check what was reported. 

Goans demand better treatment

Submit list of problems to team send by state govt but
expect no redress

By Daniel P. George

Dubai -- Even as Goans in Dubai met up with a
three-member delegation of the NRI Felicitation 
Centre appointed by the Governot of Goa to pur out
their woes at a hotel last evening, they were dismayed
over the step-motherly treament meted out to them by
their state government.
 In what turned out to be classroom-like exercise, the
Goans were asked to spell out their problems to the
committee comprising Brigadier (Retd) Ian D'Costa,
member of the centre; Advocate Herculano Doudo,
vice-chairman of the centre; and Mohandas Surlakar,
ex-Member of the centre.
Dourdo (instead of Dourado -- eugene) who took down
the points and grievances of the Dubai Goans on paper,
said he would convey to the government their problems
and seek speedy redress.
The Goans who attended the meeting did not seem happpy
at the whole exerices even after giving voice to their
problems. They were irked by way their issues were
taken down on papger without any details, resitial
address or where they hail from. "It was a big farce,"
said one Goa who did not want to be identified. 
They were wondering as to how this centre would
address theri problems without further details and
whether this was yet another shopping rip as most
Indian ministers and dignitatires resort to when they
visit the UAE.
"There have been visits before by people to the UAE
and they have come winded, dined and gone back but
this is the first time a delegation reprsenting the
Government has come here and we will represent your
case to the government for redressal" he told those
The range of problems presented by the Goans included
land encroachments back home, corruption in goverment
departments and a lack of direct flight to Goa from
Dubai. According to Eugene Correia, "These issues have
already been discussed time and again at the Gomanth
Samellan held last year. All that the Goans want is a
single window to address their problems when they
visit their home state on a vacation."
The Dubai placed on record the cheating of job seekers
by unscrupulous agents, housemaids in jails, poor and
jobless Goans facing a bleak future and lack of
medical assistance to the poor.
Dourdo assured the Goans their problems would be
address icnluding a suggestion for a ferry service
between Goa and Dubai due to the rising costs of air
Another request from a strudent was to do away with
NRI quota in professional colleges and resort to merit
system as the fees were too expensive for the average
middle class parent.

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