Domnic Fernandes continues (Part II) his reminiscence of Mapusa of the 1950s http://www.goanet.org/index.php?name=News&file=article&sid=426 ------------------------------------------------------------------
Hello goanetters,

We should know by now, that "Goa's appalling Road Sense" is just a mirror of India's (Mario Goveia's Super Power to be?) appalling Road Sense and all the other Nonsense in India. This is true Integration indeed!

Jaipur goes as the Indian city with the largest number of animals on the road! Goa is emulating fast! We have cows and stray rabid dogs galore on the roads and on the Beaches, around restaurants, and garbage dumps in our towns and villages; Because Humans do not have road sense, these animals are allowed to 'Claim' our road space which has failed to keep up.

Open and overflowing garbage Bins? and dumps near schools and bus stations and even next to police stations, like in Margao. Spitting, shitting anywhere and everywhere is the hallmark, all over India and whilst this nonsense was at least under control, during the Portuguese regime; it is now hopelessly out of control; what with the thousands of non Goan Indians habituated to this nonsense, pouring into Goa for work or as tourists.

As for Road Sense, be it for drivers or pedestrians, the less said the better. It is awful, and this part of 'sense' as well as 'civic sense' prevailing in India is due to our ancient Culture which fails to evolve into modern and keep up with the times.

Goa's Traffic Cops! They are corrupt! They are not knowledgeable enough either, and they have not the acumen to try and bring discipline on the roads and enfoce the law. They complain of shortage of staff and whatever, only after they are found to be not doing their work. Why do these cops not bring out a list of shortages and learn about modern traffic management etc. Do they or the GOG have any sort of Plan or Statergy to combat the indiscipline and the continual breaking of the law, on our roads? NO, but WHY?

I was shocked to read about the traffic cop saying that there is no policing of road traffic after dark!!! This is a horrendous lapse of duty; at night when most accidents and other traffic offenses are taking place regularly; there should be more policing by night, until the situation is brought under control. But No! looks like our cops have to go and have their drink? and or collect their haptha?

This use of one headlight is not something new or rare; it has become a part of life for many a truck and Van owners and drivers;

Is this is the real 'INCREDIBLE INDIA" that India is advertising abroad? Is it? I would hope not.

And we find the cops not doing anything about it. Why! Is it not their
'DUTY' to uphold the law and prevent accidents? The cops very well know who the offenders are. Why are their vehicles not impounded and fined until compliance? I have seen almost all 'Water Tankers' plying on Goa's roads driven with no 'rear lights' at all! Non dipping and using high beam continuosly and one eyed trucks and cars too, are almost the norm rather than rare! What a state of affiars! INCREDIBLE INDEED!

So what is the Solution? This is not easy! We have to start from teaching the Traffic Cops, the Driving Teachers, the polis and the public about road sense from the 'ABC' the very begining! There is no other way!

All drivers must carry their photo driving license at all times, no excuses! and must be issued with driving rules from the begining; and properly trained and made to understand the implications of the rules and the importance of observing these in letter and spirit.

All drivers including those already with a valid license should be made to compulsorily undergo, Driving classes, where theory and rules are re-taught and given a Video demonstation of 'Driving' and allied road sense and road types etc.

New drivers should be strictly graded into 'probationary, interim and full license. Those without a 'Full License' should be barred from driving at night and also on the (so called) Highways! All owners of cars and other vehicles should be checked for having a drving license. One will quickly find so many driving without even having a license. These drivers should be fined Rs 1000/- and their vehicles impounded. These measures and more are of utmost neccessity, if there is going to be some sanity on the roads.

Not forgetting those many interstate drivers! All vehicles entering and leaving Goa should be compulsorily checked for vehicle safety, lights and driving license etc. In this case also. non compliance should result in impounded vehicles at least for two days. these harsh measures are neccessary to bring about discipline and compliance. Otherwise 'Incredible India' becomes a sham!

Before I go, let me tell you, that non residents, Indian or foreign, have to have a prior 'international driving license' from and issued by their country of residence; and this and their normal driving license together allows them to drive in the countries where the international validity is shown. With these u are allowed to drve in India. No problem at all; this is the law! Any deviation from this means that there is corruption. I myself had to unneccessarily part with Rs 500/- before finding out that what I have said before is the requirement.

Bye now. More on this and other topics later.

Nascimento Caldeira
Down Under

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