     Domnic Fernandes continues (Part III) his reminiscence of     
                       Mapusa of the 1950s                        
If you wish to clean silver jewelry, try brushing toothpaste against it and 
rinse it with water.

Jim F.
New York.

> Ever been really stuck on how to remove a stain,
> revive limp lettuce or dry up a pimple? Read on to
> find out how you can do all of these and more with
> things you already have in the house.
> Stain Removal
> • Since the dirt rings in collars are oil stains,
> shampoo for oily hair will remove them. Rub it into
> the fabric before washing the garment
> • Remove ink spots from clothing by squeezing
> toothpaste on the spot. Scrub and rinse thoroughly
> • A thick paste made from baking soda and water will
> remove perspiration stains from clothing. It will also
> remove urine stains from car seats
> • Lemon juice and salt rubbed into a paste, will
> remove rust stains from clothing
> • Cotton dipped in alcohol will clean dirty
> photographs
> • Salad oil will remove tar from your feet.

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