     Domnic Fernandes continues (Part III) his reminiscence of     
                       Mapusa of the 1950s                        
BTW, Bonefacio, do you need someone else to tell you that it's up to you to 
set matters right?  Forty five years after your Portuguese "guardians" left, 
are you still looking for someone else to set matters right?  Where were you 
when Tony was interested in political office?  Why are YOU not running for 
political office, or helping some other honest person to run?

Mario: Won't be a hypocrite , yes we are still looking for someone else to set 
matters right, and its very much apparent on the face of it. As i mentioned to 
you earlier , don't know which corner of the world are you sitting and writing 
these mails but the reality is on ground not in the air.The question out here 
is not "Looking for someone else to set matters right" but the conditions were 
better off Pre 1961, and as usual you seem to deviate the subject. 

Bonefacio: About Tony being interested in Political office,one does not need 
Political offices to make matters work, as tony mentioned he is not like those 
politicians who want to splash themselves on the papers for works done, and 
moreover he is a satyameva jayate person he would not be doing well in the 
political arena , as he mentioned it himself.

You seem to be going off the track when you say"Why are YOU not running for 
political office,or helping some other honest person to run?My mails talk 
about conditions being better Pre 1961 and till date i feel the absence of 
Portuguese. I take pride in openly stating we were better during the Pre 1961 
unlike those(KHAUN PIUN BADMASH)they use the Portuguese consulate,get their 
stuff sorted out do not travel to Portugal but to UK and elsewhere.

Mario writes: Things were not proper" prior to 1961 either, my friend, in most 
of Goa, except in the frozen memories of Portophiles like yourself in places 
like Loutolim, who pretended that being bossed around by some white people was 
better than the chaos of a democracy, a dictatorship that was friendly towards 
upper class 

Bonefacio: About being bossed around by some white people, won't go much in 
the detail as the rest is immaterial, Post 1961 how many companies exist in 
India and Goa where whites have taken charge? Who is the coach to the Indian 
Cricket team? How many Goans work under whites and how many could comment be 
it in India or overseas that working under a white is better than working 
under an indian? 
Mario writes: Catholics who were given special privileges so that they would 
express sentiments like we see from you and a few others, most of whom don't 
even live in Goa any more.

Bonefacio: There can never be a better exercise by working on the ground and 
you could see it for yourself and you will get the answer.

Had portuguese been given a chance to continue their rule, I am sure Tony and 
yourself and many others like you would be singing a different tune.It would 

Obrigado Senhor Mario 
Bonefacio Lopes

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