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Making music or mimicking?
Analysing myths that make up our Goan identity
By Cecil Pinto

Continuing our review of the Second Edition of the best-selling book 
'Debunking the Goan Identity', by Cecil Pinto, we bring you today excerpts 
from Chapter 7. Here we find attempts to demystify another commonly held 
view that all Goans have 'music in their blood'. In this chapter, aptly 
titled 'Disharmonic Stereotypes', the author rips apart the very suggestion 
that Goans, as an ethnic group, are in any way more musically oriented than 
any other ethnic group - other than Russians. Read extracts below:

"Along with the drunkard and the vamp every Hindi movie portrayed the 
musicians playing western instruments as being Goan. Over the decades there 
have been sporadic protests from non-drunkard and non-vampish Goans against 
this stereotyping. Surprisingly, the non-musician Goans have never raised 
their voice in discordance. Why do we accept this label when a vast 
majority of Goans have the musical sense of a constipated water buffalo?"

"I am a dyed in the wool born and bred Goenkar. I can't carry a tune in a 
basket. I'm not quite sure about the difference between Blues, Jazz and 
Hip-Hop. If I join in a Christmas Carol or a Hymn or even good old Happy 
Birthday, I immediately get strange looks for being off pitch and people 
begin to edge away from me. I can't play any musical instrument. I can't 
whistle or even hum in tune. But I am not alone. I know many, many Goans 
sailing in the same boat. Not all of them are willing to admit to it 
though. We try to fit into this convenient romanticised stereotype of 
having music in our blood."

"In a widespread survey done by the students of St. Xavier's College it was 
found that 97% of Goans could not distinguish between a Mando,  a Fado, a 
Dulpodd or the Macarena."

"Explain then to me, if we Goans have good taste in music, why every house 
has, in their plywood-and-formica showcase (where audio cassettes form a 
background for miniature booze bottles pilfered from airplanes) at least 
one George Baker Selection, Best of Boney M and Pussycats Live? Why is the 
decade that taste forgot, the 1980s, so celebrated only in Goa?"

"How is it that a Beat Show featuring five-man bands that mime, except for 
the guy on the synthesizer who sequences everything, attracts a crowd of 
thousands whereas a live Goan jazz performance doesn't have more than a few 
dozen takers?"

"What do we sing at family get-togethers? Beatles' medleys, rugby songs and 
risqué limericks. Except for the chorus and a few lines nobody knows the 
full lyrics of any Mando - and nobody really cares. Some Goans actually 
believe that Lorna's songs are Mandos."

"Rare exceptions exist, but how many Goan musicians actually compose 
original music? Dozens of Konkani Pop albums are released every month. Show 
me one that does not use plagiarised tunes. Where has creativity gone? Does 
recording an album consist of just fitting in juvenile lyrics to lifted 
Western tunes? Are all the composers dead and decomposed?"

"Goa Trance. Did someone say Goa Trance? Monotonic, repetitive rhythms with 
strange beats and sounds and an occasional voice saying something about 
'Vietnam' or 'The Burning Man' somewhere over the endless boom boom . You 
call this music? That is artificially synthesized balderdash! And even if 
there is some 'good' progressive Goa Trance, which is an  oxymoron 
actually, it is probably 'composed' by some German DJ or a British dopehead 
on a computer in a studio a million miles away from Goa. Dan Ackroyd put it 
beautifully in the film 'Blues Brothers 2000', to his departing band, 'But 
remember this: walk away now and you walk away from your crafts, your 
skills, your vocations; leaving the next generation with nothing but 
recycled, digitally-sampled techno-grooves, quasi-synth rhythms, 
pseudo-songs of violence-laden gangsta-rap, acid pop, and simpering, 
saccharine, soulless slush'."

"Forget live bands miming to pre-sequenced music, and one-man-bands acting 
out to
MP3 files played from I-Pods, we now have self proclaimed DJs also claiming 
to be musicians. I wonder what qualifies one to be a DJ? I mean to be 
called Advocate Naik or Doctor Dias one needs to go through a certain 
rigorous professional education - besides of course having the surname Naik 
and Dias respectively. But the DJ prefix can be claimed by anyone who has a 
multi-track mixer bought back by his doting father toiling in the Gulf."

"Again, with rare exceptions, which of our vocalists have unique style or 
voices? All they do is try and imitate exactly, sometimes with absurdly 
fake accents, the voice of the artiste whose cover version they are doing. 
Do they try to improvise? Do they ever try to put in their own character 
into the song and transform it into something new? An interpretation or an 
improvisation - instead of a cloning. These singers don't have music in 
their blood, they have mimicry in their genes!"

"Music schools in Goa teach music by rote. These are the chords for 
so-and-so song, to be learnt by heart. And then you can answer an exam and 
get a certificate. Where are students encouraged to innovate, to compose 
their own music, to defy the rules and experiment? Where is the passion 
that is the essence of great music? The technical details can be taught and 
learnt my most anyone. When did the art and the zeal take a back seat? Did 
Ludwig van Beethoven work in a nationalised bank during the day and play 
for weddings at night? Did Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart rent out deafening sound 
equipment, and LCD projectors, as a side-business? Did Mozart's 20,000 watt 
amps make Beethoven deaf? Where is the soul that should be in the heart of 
great Goan music?"

Other Chapters in the book, debunking myths about Goans, include, 'Can 
Goans really hold their drink?', 'Hospitality: Whites welcome: Indians 
not', 'Wanderlust or just plain lust - I wonder', 'How come nobody is 
sussegado when claiming ancestral property?', 'If Konkani is a developed 
language give me non-vulgar words for genitalia', and the recently added 
chapter, 'The thin surface of Religious Harmony'. Excerpts from these other 
chapters will be published here soon.

The humour column above appeared in Gomantak Times dated 13th April 2006.

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