Ofcourse if I was anything more than an opinionated
hausfrau, I would have goggled this:


before I railroaded into Pratap Mehta. However, I
still think he is long on rhetoric and short on
review. He rightly deserves a pulpit, about the
Pulitzer, I'm not too sure.


--- Elisabeth Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I'm not too sure about the discussions that
> preceded,
> but I agree with Gilbert that the review of Holy
> Warriors by Pratap Mehta, is disingenuous to say the
> least. It is no secret that most reviewers earn
> their
> bread and butter, trying to be psuedointellectuals
> pontificating over material they themselves are
> incapable of putting together.  Never having
> published
> anything of note, most reviewers spend their time in
> tiny offices (if they are lucky) at major
> publications
> writing out book reviews when they're not doing food
> reviews. As such, they are much like air stewardess'
> who having failed to launch their acting careers
> spend
> their life harassing passengers on discount
> airlines.
> Pratap Mehta, seems more infatuated with his own
> writing prowess that with objectively reviewing
> anyone
> elses. Although gifted with the pen he wields it
> much
> too forcefully, in the event slaying all the wrong
> dragons. For instance, he writes:
> "Fernandes embarks on her journey into the heart of
> Indian fundamentalism
> with a peculiarly shallow version of liberal
> sympathies"
> What exactly is shallow liberalism? Either one
> embraces the precepts of liberalism or one doesn't
> but
> what in Pratap's dictionary exemplifies shallow
> liberalism, is left to the readers imagination.
> He goes on to write:
> "Show that you
> are even-handed by exposing fundamentalists of all
> religions: assorted
> Muslims ranging from Deobandis to the Imam of Jama
> Masjid; Christians in
> Goa clinging on to a Goan identity, to Baptists in
> Nagaland trying to
> create new ones, assorted survivors amongst Kashmiri
> Pandits and victims
> of anti-Sikh riots."
> This is not review but pure rhetoric on his part. He
> cannot dictate to the author what does or does not
> constitute fundamentalism; that remains the author's
> interpretation. Perhaps to the author, "Christians
> in
> Goa clinging onto a Goan identity" does not
> constitute
> "fundamentalism" but rather people who are in
> genuine
> search of an identity when it is being railroaded en
> masse by another identity with which they have no
> wish
> to identify.
> To me Pratap was long on rhetoric and short on
> review.
> He did manage to convince me that he was brimming
> with
> ideas on India and that he could be eloquent about
> them but that doesn't call for a review, it calls by
> ANOTHER BOOK by Pratap Mehta.
> Elisabeth
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