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Well done, Floriano!
I was wanting to write on the lines that Floriano has so skillfully exposed; but being not very conversent with these matters, of late; I felt shy.

Floriano, you have hit the 'nail on the head'. There has been another goanetter too, who spoke on giving more subsidised educational facilities at low and middle levels, and also that assistance if at all, should be based more on need for interim financial assistance, rather than reservations in higher education based on caste, and not merit.

Merit should be the overriding factor at the higher education level and high calibre employment positions, where excellence is paramount! The founding fathers did a good job in the reservations area at the time the Constitution was put in place. However 'Times have changed'' and so many years have passed; that this no longer should be the only way that these people should be helped.

The Space age and the Computer Age is already here! It means that India has to be very competitive in this increasingly compex world; and this cannot be acheived by propping up people based on affirmative action alone and without merit. This is 'common sense' and would in the end bring about a more satsisfactory 'vote bank' for the smart people.

Nasci Caldeira
Down Under

floriano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Funny as it may sound, I had a good laugh at the e-mail which George has

Goorge has not got the right vibrations of the email nor the mental state of
the author. It is called frustration. Reservations must be looked upon as a
simple way of establishing vote-banks.

I fully endorse Kapil Sibal's derision of the reservation policy of Arjun
Singh, his own cabinet colleague. At best Arun Singh should be roughed-up
like the director of Madras IIT was.

The best policy is to do away with reservations. If the fathers of the
Indian Constitution had given just 10 years to eradicate castes in the
country, what went wrong???  Not the Vote-Banking system??

The best policy to wind-up reservations - "WHICH MUST BE WOUND UP ONCE AND
FOR ALL" is:
1. Revamp the primary/secondary school systems to part knowledge rather than
make the students cram stupid lessons which are forgotten in no time..
2. Give financial boost to the OBC/ST/SC and other backward classes to give
them equal opportunity. i.e subsidise the bright brains.
3. Judge all on equal footing without lowering any standards. Rather the
standards should be raised from time to time.
4. Select the OBC/SC/ST candidates first to give credence to their lower
social standing. ( strike out the money angle in selection)

Just like helping the farmers to save them from committing suicide, help the
OBC/ST/SCs what have you to  better facilities in lower education with all
those thousands of crores that are going down the drains  and you certainly
do not need RESERVATIONS

All said and done, I fully appreciate the humour in which the email in
question has been written. I congratulate the author. And George must read
the email  again after observing what I have said above.

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