
My my, you have surely shown that you need to be blessed by the Holy Spirit! To recieve His Blessing or more likely, 'to recieve the Holy Spirit' all you have to do is to surrender your 'evil' thoughts and outbursts; and seek forgiveness and His abundant Blessings will heal you, and He shall come unto you, and you will have been saved! If I was anywhere near you, I surely would try and heal you myself? You do need 'Healing' very badly. Go for it; do not feel shy.

Do you really think that Ivan Cardinal Dias, Archbishop of Mumbai, has to discourse on past mistakes etc, from the world Church, like those you seem to be obsessed with, everytime he talks to his flock?? The answer is 'NO'.

Is a Church leader not obliged to protect the present day Church, from fabricated tales and lies and from fiction oriented in an indirect cowardly attack, on the principles and values of the Faith that the Church is built on?? The Pope has spoken thus, as also Cardinal Pell, Archbishop of Sydney, and several others. We have only heard of and from Cardinal Dias on goanet; and Cardinal Dias has spoken of 'heresy' and malafides depicted in fiction, and in Indian films, as genuine concerns for Indian Christians.

He has not involved the Church in any controversies with other religions or cast aspersions against them, like may be I do sometimes. He is diong the right thing! So let go, please!

There is nothing wrong with that! I would enciurage the Church in India and everywhere, to speak out more often, and encourage dialogue and consultation before further damage is done.

I know these 'attacks' are not coming from the good Hindu or Muslim people; but carefully disguised and thrashed out by the likes of VHP and Sangh Parivar and supported by The RSS and the BJP groups. The VHP which purports to and trying to represent the Hindus, (of course self appointed) is confused as to what they are really representing and if they are actually representing anyone; and this is the reason why these organisations shun dialogue; these are just not competent and so have to resort to verbal, film and other terror like activities.

Cardinal Dias' words: It's just a circular from the Shepard to his Flock. That is what he is appointed to his position for. He is a Prince of the Church, and does not deserve foul mouthing from you or anyone, more so in this case!

I think you should apologise for incriminating Cardinal Dias with past mischief in the world wide Church. Satan has been busy since time immemorial. Thou shall not help him!

Gabe Menezes has taken me to task for not speaking out earlier. I delayed, as I was sort of shell shocked but realised that you did not attack the Faith as such; but only the actions of leaders and the administration, of the past. I also hope this satisfies Gabe, who seems to be pushing the burden on me, in his last post.

Sincerely speaking!
Nasci Caldeira

Elisabeth Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Subject: [Goanet] Re: Cardinal Dias Deplores Anti-Christian Films Date: Thu, 04 May 2006 00:19:07 -0400

I really love it when the Catholic Church talks about
distortion of facts by "evil" people and how we should
all pray for them.

What about Gospels that existed alongside the four
that we know off, like the Gospel of Thomas and the
Gospel of Judas which never saw the light of day
because they didn't fit in with their theology.

And when all else fails let's not forget "blind faith"
for none shall be so bold as to put their doubting
fingers into the palms of Christ and question the
Catholic Church on issues, on theology or on history.

Etc Etc!

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