Ladies & Gentlemen
No one put a gun to your head to make you a Christian. We live in the 21st
Century. We should all see the film and let our faith decide if there is any
reality in the film ( or for the matter the Book)or is a clever mix of fact
and fiction.
We are not in the old days where the church could burn you alive!
Let our own faith which is a personal matter decide!
In Christ
Dr. Joaquim De Souza
( Arpora )Milan Italy

-----Original Message-----
Of Bosco D'Mello
Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2006 5:56 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Re: BAN FILMS - PROTEST RALLY

On Tue May 9 11:52:59 PDT 2006, Mario Goveia wrote:

> While I am against censorship, I believe it is perfectly 
> appropriate to expose The DaVinci Code with opposing 
> facts and opinions. 

RESPONSE: The book's a thriller - 40 million sold!! Go out and read it in 2 
nights. Its a flick! Go out and enjoy it - Supersize your Coke and get extra

cheddar on the nachos !! And what needs to be opposed? What facts or 
opinions ? It's a novel, a NYT bestseller (Paperback Fiction), for crying
loud !!

Would you also like to 'expose' / protest the documentaries on the Discovery

Channel and National Geographic that provide young minds with early 
indoctrination on Darwinism related to the evolution of man only to be 
confused in religion class a few years later??

On Mon May 8 16:09:20 PDT 2006, Elisabeth Carvalho

> If you disagree with the contents of the film, don't buy a 
> ticket, don't see the movie, don't read the book, don't 
> purchase the DVD.

RESPONSE: You sound just like my parish priest.....:-) And I agree that all 
the protests in the world will not stop the flick from grossing m$ll$ons of 

I don't see why Catholics - devout, cafeteria or 'enlightened' ones like
Caldeira, have anything to fear from the novel or the movie - some of us may

complain/protest about the DaVinci Code, but continue with our sinful lives
Why would a novel or a movie jeopardize our FAITH !

The Mona Lisa is now going to have to smile to more people every single day.

And the Rose line in the Saint Sulpice church will have to put up with 
additional pitter patter of least till the hype over the DaVinci

code fades a boardgame, maybe, or another blockbuster flick!

Best - Bosco
T-dot, CA

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