> Marlon Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Given the predominence of Catholic Goans on this 
> list, there is a large bank of people
> who will mount a vigorous defence of their religion
> if it is attacked. Unfortunately, when individuals 
> make insensitive and bigoted comments against 
> hindus and muslims on this forum, one is often met 
> with silence.  My desire is to defend the under-
> represented on this forum. 
Mario observes:
Marlon, can you give us a couple of examples of
"insensitive and bigoted" comments about Hindus and
Muslims or their religion on Goanet that have been met
with silence?  If you can give me some valid examples,
I would like to address them on the grounds of "better
late than never".
BTW, your concern for the under-represented is
touching, and perhaps your desire may be to defend
them on Goanet, but, in actual fact, most of what we
see from you are unprovoked, disrespectful and
mean-spirited attacks on Christians and Catholics and
their beliefs, once gratuitously ridiculing your own
Mom for praying for a relative with cancer who later

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