
Room for more

Sangeeta Singh / New Delhi June 10, 2006

First it was the malls, now it is the hospitality industry. A hotel boom is
signalling the biggest spurt in building across major cities in India. >>

<Some numbers. In 2005, 3.92 million foreign tourists (this term includes
business travellers) visited India, while the availability of "approved"
hotel rooms was a mere 1,00,000.

For the ninth and tenth five-year plans, the Ministry of Tourism's official
projection of hotel rooms is pegged at a conservative 1,25,000 (for an
estimated 3.5 million foreign tourists a year). Indian travellers have not
been factored in.

But with international air capacity into India increasing by leaps and
bounds, and its markets pointing the future for companies and countries
across the globe, get ready to be grounded unless the great room rush takes
off. >

<According to a recent study by hotel monitoring body HVS
International-India, while Hyderabad, Mumbai, Goa, Chennai, the NCR and
Bangalore occupy top slot for hotels, emerging markets for the hotel
industry include Pune, Cochin, Chandigarh, Ahmedabad and Vishakapatnam.

According to HVS data, while Hyderabad will need 8,000 rooms by 2009, supply
will be more than 5,400 rooms. In Goa, demand by 2009 will be as high as
6,500 rooms, but supply will not cross 2,800 rooms.

In Chennai, the projected demand at 7,500 rooms will far outstrip supply at
5,000, and in Bangalore, while demand will be anywhere between 14,000-20,000
rooms, supply will not be more than 6,800 rooms.>


The projected demand supply gap  does seem high for Goa. It may be next only
to Bangalore's upper end  in the above comparison.

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