The General Is Up is a "novel set in modern Africa" by Peter Nazareth.
It is a thinly-disguised fictionalised account of the expulsion of
Asians from Idi Amin's Uganda in the 'seventies.The author was
associate professor in Iowa University's Department of English and the
Afro-American Studies Programme, at the time of writing the novel,
published by the Calcutta (Kolkata)-based Writer's Workshop in 1984.
Nazareth is a writer of Goan origin, and the novel is set, in large
part, among the expat community of the former Portuguese colony of
Goa, which has had a large number of out-migrants scattered across the
globe, including in East Africa and Uganda.

   * 1 About the book
   * 2 Publishers
   * 3 Nazareth's background
   * 4 Nazareth's other work


About the book

The setting is "Damibia" set in "Africa. To be precise, Central
Africa" (p. 21). There, the President-General of the country has just
announced that "all the East Indians in the country have to leave by
the next moon".

Says an author's note to the book: "Any resemblance to real events,
persons or countries is an unfortunate coincidence." But not
coincidentally, characters from the book have names like Ronald
D'Mello, Joe Pereira, David D'Costa, Horace D'Souza, among others, all
names traditionally linked to the Catholic community from the region
of Goa, which Nazareth traces his roots to, and which has been heavy
into out-migration for generations.

In its 30 chapters (besides an epilogue), the book focuses on "The
General", the Damibia Institute, guerilla attacks, portrayals of
inter-racial equations in post-colonial East Africa, playing the game
of tombola a students' demo, a party, David's departure from Africa,
the sad farewell at the airport, and more. Nazareth has an interesting
style of narration. When set amidst a real (though fictionalised)
community, this adds to the readibility.


This novel was published by the Calcutta-based innovative publishing
firm Writer's Workshop, a small virtually one-man organisation that
published the early creative writing from a number of persons who went
on become prominent in their field. Writer's Workshop printed its
books "on an Indian-made hand-operated machine... on map-litho paper
made in India". Its books have been usually hand-bound with cotton
handloom sari cloth woven in India, giving them a distinctive
appearance. This book was published under it's Greenbird series,
focussing on fiction. When it came out in the mid-1980s, it was priced
at Rs 80 (hardback) and Rs 60 for its paperback versions.

It covers 190 pages, and has a brief but interesting three-page
glossary that looks at terms in Swahili and Luganda (the languages of
East Africa), apart from Konkani, the local language of Goa. Nazareth
notes that in the ex-British colonies of East and Central AFrica
"almost all Goans are Roman Catholics and speak English as a first
language, though some of them freely throw in Konkani words or

Nazareth's background

At the time of writing this book (mid-eighties), Uganda-born Nazareth
who had a honours degree in English from Makerere University College
and had done graduate work at Leeds University in England, had been a
senior finance officer until he left Uganda in early 1973. He shifted
to Yale University on the Seymour Lustman Fellowship. The author's
biography says this was "granted because of his novel, In Brown

From Yale, he shifted to Iowa City as a honorary fellow of the
International Writing Programme and a visiting lecturer in the
Afro-American Studies Programme.

Nazareth's other work

Apart from The General Is Up and In a Brown Mantle, Nazareth's other
publications include the work of literary criticism titled Literature
and Society in Modern Africa that was later republished by the
Northwestern University Press as An African View of Literature.

He has also written Two Radio Plays and The Third World Writer: His
Social Responsibility, also literary criticism. He has been prolific
in the fields of criticism and short fiction, which, by the
mid-eighties itself, had appeared in "over a dozen anthologies and 150
issues of forty journals published worldwide, including Short Story
International, English Studies in Africa, CALLALOO, Afri-scope, The
Journal of Commonwealth Literature, OKIKE and World Literature Today."
(Source: author's biography in The General Is Up.)

Nazareth has also edited African Writing Today, a double-issue of the
Pacific quarterly Moana and [[Goan Literature: A Modern Reader]]. The
latter is, till date, one of the most impressive collection of Goan
writing under one cover, in a range of languages and includes a great
deal of writing from the otherwise under-noticed Goan diaspora. [[Goan
Literature: A Modern Reader]] was published as an issue of the Journal
of South Asian Literature.

At the time of writing this work, three of Nazareth's plays were
broadcast by the British Broadcasting Corporation.

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