
Thank you for your long winded attempt to weasel out
an explanation. The more you write, the more you
expose your prejudices.

If you wish to ignore the mountains of independent
research that has been done on this issue and choose
to ignore the material evidence that still exists on
the ground today, all the more power to you. 


--- Gilbert Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hence we should be skeptical on rumors, beliefs and
> writings from the Ancient and Middle Ages. In Goa,
> we call them Kaneos.  However many modern writings
> are reproductions from or heavily referenced to
> Middle Age accounts. A good example is the De Vinci
> Code. Other modern examples are some of the articles
> written on the web on Goa during the Middle Ages.
> Hence SUBJECTIVE descriptions should be taken with a
> large grain of salt.  This compared to texts that
> are factual and describe OBJECTIVE findings. Some of
> these objective findings should still be
> CORROBORATED to verify the authenticity of the
> original descriptions.  Or else what we see and what
> they mean may be fictional and we do not want our
> religious beliefs to be based on fiction.

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