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Hi Cornel,

Thanks for your post and eliciting my views. To begin with, I do not want to 
confuse with the Jewish issue and your reaction to other religions.  I know 
little of your thought processes on these subjects. For the important issue at 
hand, that is a mere digression.

If you don't think your writings and opinions are anti-Catholic, think again 
and take a closer look at yourself.  When last did you write a positive post / 
story on the Catholic faith or Church?  In the USA, I meet and work with a lot 
of non-practicing Christians / Catholics. They don’t care about religion.  And 
that is perfectly fine with me.  To repeat!  That is perfectly fine with me!  
Yet, Goan atheists / agnostics and non-practicing Catholics are positively 
anti-Catholics in their attitudes. This is well seen in the recent discussions 
on Goanet. It is almost they need an anti-Catholic crutch to rationalize their 
non-practice of their faith. 

I have said often that religion is like the field of medicine. They both cover 
a vast territory and have a long history. Both have had and continue to have 
major faults and are constantly striving to improve themselves. Yet society 
needs both.  Do you despise and harangue the physicians in your family due to 
past and present mistakes in the theory and practice of medicine?

What would be the logic and rationale for a Church to be built on a temple when 
there was so much land available in Goa?  Could not the Portuguese build a 
church in Goa wherever they wanted? Do Hindus (today) have to displace a church 
in USA or UK to build their temple? The choice of words of "arrogant 
displacement" is yours.  Did your professorial curiosity ask for any specific 
factual details from Marlon or the other authors of anti-Catholic propaganda?

With your "English sophistication", and your "deep questioning" you and others 
have a knack to exacerbate a situation. All this while you claim you are trying 
to understand the problem and be helpful.  The above choice of words have not 
been the exception. For a similar reason on another thread I asked you if you 
were a practicing Catholic. I do not want to sound harsh and I apologize in 
advance if it does come across as such.  Your "loaded phraseology" may 
tickle-pink the Goan-anti-Catholics across the Atlantic. Yet, the diatribe by 
the few of you-all does not help the Catholics in Goa and India. They have to 
live with the results of those snide remarks. I am sure you followed the 
politics of the ban on the Da Vinci Code movie - notwithstanding the various 
"editorials" in the press or in cyber Goa.  That's how much native Goans think 
of the "smart Goans." 
I do not have to WASTE MY TIME countering the cheap shots by Catholics who are 
not even practicing-Catholics, even though their name sounds Goan Catholic. I 
am sorry to be so blunt. Yet, this is especially irking when you write 
(piously) that you are wasting your time trying to make Goanet educational. 
I am not asking you (or others) to refrain from pursuing the evaluation of your 
religion. Yet do you think washing our dirty religious laundry on Goanet 
advances your contribution to your faith?  Instead of merely criticizing the 
past, now it is your turn to contribute to your religion.  Yet, all that I see 
from you and others are your "rationale" for not practicing your faith. I am 
not a holy or fundamentalist person. But I hope at least I have good judgement 
and that is what I am annoyed about you-all.  As I said previously, I work with 
non-practicing Christians / Catholics all the time and some are our good social 
friends. Yet they have good judgement not to show-off any anti-Christian 
attitudes (which they don't have) on their sleeve. 
The odds are, after all is said and done, you and other Goan-anti-Catholics 
will realize your positive contribution to the Catholic faith has been ziltz. 
That's because all of you elect to dwell only on the historical negatives both 
real and imaginary.  In many respects I feel some of the Goan-anti-Catholics 
are like alcoholics who create their anti-Catholicism as a good excuse not to 
go for Sunday mass. This instead of blaming it on their self-indulgent 
Kind Regards, GL

---- cornel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

Firstly, I am at a loss to understand your current talk of anti-Catholic views. 
How can you possibly arrive at such a view when, as in my case, all one is 
seeking is historical veracity on the temple/church issue in Goa because of 
intellectual curiosity?

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