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From: "Frederick Noronha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Thailand, tamarind, "toffees"...

I noticed that the Thais have a nice way of converting the tamarind pulp
into a kind of sweet. The end product is some kind of a toffee (packed
as one, that is), but with a neat sweet-sourish taste, which quite
appeals to the Asian palate. Is this possible because of some kind of
sweet tamarind variety available in Thailand? Would it work with
tamarind from Goa? FN

I missed the earlier post by Fred on Tamarind "Toffees" I do not see why
it should not work in Goa as the product is manufactured in other parts
of India.

A tamarind Toffee recipe at
A tamarind Candy recipe at

For the FAO publication: Value-Added Food Products Processing for
Micro-Income Generation of Rural Communities in Myanmar .Process of
making Tamarind Toffee see

Regarding the present manufacture of tamarind toffees in India see:

1. CFTRI (Mysore) has assisted a small unit to develop the tamarind
toffee technology which is now a big hit in the aircraft menu
Excerpt from

2. Small scale, big profits 
16 Dec 2005: Business Line. If all goes well in the negotiations that
the Madurai-headquartered Dhan Foundation, which has transformed the
lives of lakhs of rural women through micro finance, is currently having
with the Export-Import Bank of India, very soon the delicious tamarind
toffees you savour on domestic flights will be supplied by women's
self-help groups. 
Full text at

Coincidentally, when I visited the Nakumatt in Mombasa last month I
picked up some tamarind candy from there.  The brand name is Tamarin, it
was made in Indonesia and among the ingredients shown on the packets I
still have, are sugar, glucose, tamarind extract and butter.  I was in
Malaysia earlier this month and the tamarind  was similar to elsewhere -
in fact ripe tamarind does contain some natural  sugars.

Whilst on the subject of tamarind:

1. Tamarind Tango 
>From Femina (India), 7 June 2006:  In Victorian times, the British in
Goa kept a tamarind in one ear when venturing into the native quarter to
keep themselves free from harassment by the locals because they believed
that fresh tamarind pods were inhabited by malevolent demons. This
earned the colonials the nickname 'Lugimlee' or 'tamarind heads', and it
has stuck to this day. 
There are about a dozen references to the same claim at 
Has anyone evidence of this?

2. Imli, the UK restaurant run by the same company that operates the
first ever Indian restaurant to gain a coveted Michelin star (Tamarind),
has a free draw offering a two week holiday in Goa for two persons in a
five star hotel. Check out http://www.imli.co.uk/welcome.html

3. Wagamama, UK's hugely popular Japanese noodle bar chain currently has
on it menu - in the desserts section - a tamarind and chilli pavlova,
described as a tamarind parfait with a crunchy meringue base, served
with a sweet and spicy chilli sauce. 
True fusion cuisine!

Eddie Fernandes

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