
Jesus and Jesuits in Goa. By Peter Foster
3 Jul: The Daily Telegraph (UK). Excerpts:  The crucifix is not always
the focal point in Goa .  at the Basilica of Bom Jesu the high altar is
backed by a huge 15ft statue of St Ignatius of Loyola, covered in gold
leaf and mounted high up in a golden background that rises 100ft at
least from the floor of the church to the ceiling. .  the thing that
struck me was that I can't remember visiting a church where a saint
occupied the place where most Catholic churches of that scale would hang
a huge crucifix . Just who is being worshipped here? Jesus, or the
Full text, 469 words and comments (1550 words so far)  at
Peter Foster has been the Daily Telegraph's South Asia correspondent
since January 2004. He lives in New Delhi
Full Text: 

Posted by Peter Foster at 03 Jul 06 10:20

Jesus and Jesuits in Goa
3 Jul: The Telegraph Blogs. 

En route back to New Delhi today. Spent a lovely monsoon weekend in Goa
dodging downpours and visiting some of the sights, including the
magnificent Portuguese churches in 'old' Goa.

The crucifix is not always the focal point in Goa

Most spectacular of all is the Basilica of Bom Jesu whose high altar is
backed by a huge 15ft statue of St Ignatius of Loyola, covered in gold
leaf and mounted high up in a golden background that rises 100ft at
least from the floor of the church to the ceiling.

The church also houses the relics of St Francis Xavier, the patron saint
of Goa, who died on a sea voyage to China but whose body (now encased in
glass for the faithful to see) was found to have been miraculously
preserved when it was repatriated to Goa.

As someone educated by Christian Benedictine monks - although now a
non-believer - I was always taught to be rather suspicious of the
Jesuits. I remember one monk openly disparaging them for their
'pressure-cooker spirituality'.

St Benedict, by contrast, was altogether a more genial, and forgiving
man as can be seen from his 'rule' which, if I remember correctly from
schooldays, is predicated on the fallibility of man.

As always at India's great sights there was absolutely nothing to
educate an ignoramus like myself as the history of the place - the touts
were selling just about everything (chai, candles to make offerings,
umbrellas etc) except for a usuable guidebook.

It's an age-old criticism - and one repeated this week by the popular
historian William Dalrymple in Outlook magazine - but India has a
terrible track record of looking after its heritage - Mughal,
Portuguese, British or Hindu.

But back in that stunning church, the thing that struck me was that I
can't remember visiting a church where a saint occupied the place where
most Catholic churches of that scale would hang a huge crucifix,
graphically depicting the redeeming sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

I couldn't help wondering whether, as a member of the recently converted
Goan congregation some four hundred years ago, I might not get confused
as I cast my eyes up towards the high altar to see not a crucifix but St
Ignatius of Loyola.

Just who is being worshipped here? Jesus, or the Jesuits?

Posted by Peter Foster at 03 Jul 06 10:20
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