Dear GL and other 'seekers of the Truth',

In your query below, you have touched on a fundamental difference between
what I consider 'mature' and 'immature' atheism.  The 'bebdo' falls into
the latter category together with the many others who see no need for an
overseeing supernatural deity out of convenience.  These so-called atheists
will scurry back to the 'fold' at the first sign of distress or
coindidental improvement in their situation via submission to the lord and
will become 're-converted, born again evangelists' who are put on a
pedestal by the rest of their sycophants.

The former category of atheism is arrived at through personal investigation
and study with a reliance on the power of the human brain to comprehend
certain evolutionary facts of life and the natural and acquired history of
mankind.  There is absolutely no doubt about non-existence of ANY
supernatural deity the at the end of this 'soul' searching expedition
(using the term 'soul' to denote the sum total of neuronal activity
pertaining to a single individual and the impression that makes on others).
Many agnostics have not yet reached the end of that journey, some never do.

Most atheist groups (skeptics, freethinkers, etc.) are content to debate
the meaning of life but the Secular Humanists are really the only
organization that feels that our duty in this life is to care about others
outside our immediate influence and share our resources with the less
fortunate.  It is that empathy that drives our 'moral compass' towards the
'True North' and not some imaginary pole that has been devised by
theologians and inscribed on stone tablets.

Kevin Saldanha
Mississauga, ON.

Message: 11
Date: Sat, 1 Jul 2006 3:07:29 -0700
From: Gilbert Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] The rock solid Christian moral code
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

In the on-going discussion between the two groups, can one or more from the
two parties respond to the following perspectives and query? 
I cannot understand why atheists cannot proclaim their virtues without
condemning / denigrating religion. And the reverse is also true!  Thus all
can show some degree of sensitivity and good judgement.

The question I have is: How does one distinguish between a "true atheist"
who does not believe in the God but does believe and act for the humanity
of mankind; compared to the "bebdo" who uses the excuse of no God so that
they can continue his/her nefarious ways.

In fact even "sensible atheists" of today may have a "cop-out attitude"
that their contribution do not count.  Perhaps we need an atheist Mother
Theresa.  This is not so silly. India did have an Annie Bessant who came to
India. She had no religion, but she had a philosophy and a large following
in India.
Kind Regards, GL

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