Elisabeth Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Come election time, parties from across the board go
> around slums and barter votes for water and
> electricity connections, etc. This is no different
> from buying votes by promising sundry favours to
> special interest groups, persons or communities.
> Infact, there is even a coercive element to this
> situation, that is an implied threat that if votes
> are
> not forthcoming, their plight could become
> considerably worse. These labourers are mere pawns
> in Goan elections. This is not representative
> government.

It's one man, one vote :-) Unless of course, you want
to follow the old S. African model. 

During the last elections in India, we had people here
on Goanet saying that they were not going to bother
voting as their choices were hopeless.

Turns out that the less educated went out and voted in
mass. As a result, we now have Congress running India 


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