----- Original Message ----- From: "Vivek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <goanet@goanet.org>
Sent: Sunday, July 09, 2006 9:26 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Floriano's sunday rambling

Foriano says:
 "And come to think of it, it is not surprising that  some ex-pat Goans have
taken it on themselves to  lecture us at Goa Su-Raj  on the need of a
'national  party' to rule us in Goa. Whatever happened to the  regional
pride, I wonder!"

If the reference is to my comments earlier i would  like to coment some

Floriano: I must admit that the reference is right and you are most welcom.

The idea that a regional party with a  state centric  agenda will benefit
the state has been debunked in the  past. If history is any indicator almost
all regional  outfits have started out with lofty principles and  have
degenerated into dynastic corrupt regimes  pandering to chauvinist
aspirations of their constituents. Regional pride has never helped anyone!

Floriano: That is according to you. You may hold whatever opinion you want.
But according to me you are blatantly wrong. If your opinion is the right
one than why don't Punjabis call themselves just Indians? Likewise Sindhis,
Gujaratis, Maharashtrians. Bengalis, Goans etc. Let us call ourselves
Indians like Japanenese call themselves Japanese...  Lofty ideals???
Comunidades is lofty ideals? Good Governance sans graft is lofty ideals?
These are not lofty ideals but practical ideals, ideals that we all  live
with, eat and breathe. Those who pander to chauvinist aspirations are
political con-men. And you should be smart enough to identify them.  Don't
put everyone in the same basket.

Frederick was correct in saying that one must appeal  to all sections of
society in order to be politically  acceptable. One can not just aspire to
win power and  rule solely based on a set of principles , however  ideal
those may be.

First off, Frederick must know who he is addressing these standard sentences
to. I have told him to read our Road Map first and then make his comments,
if he is talking about Goa Su-Raj. Standard lines just to make one's point
fluid, do not apply to Goa Su-Raj because we have seen to it that we have
eliminated all biases and differences between classes of Goan people and
have made Goa Su-Raj fully and universally representative of Goa and Goans.
One cannot just aspire to win power and rule solely based on a set of
principles??  Do you yourself know what you are talking about?? Principles,
for your kind information, are Principles. There are no these principles and
those principles.There are no ' superior' principles and 'inferior'
principles.  There are no 'good' and 'bad' principles. If you want to argue,
do your homework well. I read each and every word that is being said.

As far as the Portuguese punishments go, does Floriano  believe it was ok
for the Portuguese police to detain  two seemingly innocent individuals and
violate their  human rights by shaving off their xendis? Is this the  kind
of policing that Floriano wants to implement?

Just remember that the Portuguese regime was a dictatorship. And dictators
do not recognise even humans,forget about human rights. Remember Hitler,
Milosevich et al??.   What I was conveying by those happenings is that the
punishment was light but on the spot and mostly very humiliating. That is
why there were no crimes (relatively as now) in Goa during that regime.
Sure, you give me half a chance and I shall do just that. Someone has to put
the lousy democracy into the pocket the moment approprite laws are made
before the democracy puts us into its pockets, like the one we have in Goa

Bhausaheb bandodkar was a visionary and a product of  his times. To heap
scorn on him not only reflects a  poor understanding of goas history but is
also an  indicator of a biased mindset. Bhau may not have been  flawless but
to tar all his actions with tne brush is  unfair.

Oh yes! His vision of Goa was a kaleidoscope of technicolor of merger with
Maharashtra. His Tenancy Act was so visionary that it wiped off the
centuries old indegenous GAUNKARIES (Portuguese applelation Comunidades).
And those GAUNKARIES  were the brainchild of our forefathers where Bandodkar
was not the inheritor but we Goans were and are. Goa's Orchards, cultivable
fields all went the same visionary way to the tenants  because these  were
predominantly held by Goan Hindus. However Goa's 'SALT PANS' didn't figure
in Bandodkar's vision because these were held predominantly by Christians
(95 %). Please check your statistics and tell me I am wrong.  Bandodkar was
absolutely communal,  and,  you don't have to take my word for it. Listen to
what Adv. Amrut Kansar has to say or has said and probably say no more. Mr.
Kansar was part of Bandodkar's gang at one time.  And the man of 'letters'
Mr. Atre's ( a Maharashtrian) special title for Bandodkar is 'MATRAGANINI' .
It is the Marathi word.  If you don't know the meaning, then please find it
out for yourself from others who do.

BANDODKAR. As a kid, I have known him as a  Cricket Lover ,  and, as a mater
of fact, I have even played in his village tournaments where he used to be
personally present. It is just that I have always vibed for Goa in my own
humble way and my bias against Bahusaheb Bandodkar is not  on account of his
being corrupt or anything, which he was not. And  I have stated this
publicly. Compared to his chelas, who are the present rulers of Goa, he was
a saint. But I have maintain that he entertained corrupt ideas, whether his
own or of his advisors.    I know my history well. Rest assured. And my
entry into State politics as a co-founder of a GOA CENTRIC political party
gives me access to  history thro'   lessons in history by my peers who are
alive and kicking and who may or may not be sufficiently biased against
Bandodkar. One such peer is shortly releasing , for the first time,  a book
on Goa's complete history since the era of pre-arrival of the Portuguese
into Goa, which according to him,  will make the reader's hair stand on end.
And according to him, Bandodkar may have been misguided about the merger of
Goa into Maharashtra but suffered cold feet at the last moment  and worked
for 2 leaves (Opinion Poll)  with all his might. That, ofcourse is very
tough for me and the likes of younger me to swallow. But if it is the truth,
then, however bitter the pill may be,  it must and will be swallowed, for
the reason given seems very much plausible.

best rgds

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