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cornel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Who can forget Entebbe?
> Israel's justified daring attack against a tin-pot
> dictator and buffoon like Idi Amin is not 
> surprising in many respects. Here was an advanced 
> military nation, with strong American support, 
> taking on a fifth rate military outpost like Amin's
> at the time. Moreover, Entebbe airport, which I 
> knew well, was 
> not exactly the Pentagon--it was virtually an open 
> field with a few scattered cheaply built structures
> on it, at the time of the Raid, even 
> thought the subsequent film had many embellishments
> to make it a Hollywood block buster.

Israel lucked out in that Entebbe airport was built by
an Israeli contractor. The Israeli's were able to
secure all the blue prints immediately. I was working
for a Mangalorian accounting firm in Tanzania at the
time of the raid. We had a contract to store all the
financial archives of the Israel's contractors work in
E. Africa. 

> > But the Sinai radar and PLO HQ storming, which
> > occured much before, had their own brilliance.  
> >(Both were staged, incidentally, by the Mossad.) 

Military victories are one thing. However, military
brilliance cannot be over shadowed by political
stupidity. The Israelis admit that Mossad created and
funded Hamas. Now they are paying the price for that

Lastly, Muslims, Jews, Christians, Druze etc lived
together in harmony in Israel from the time of the
crusades till the time Britain decided to carve out a
nation for those who used the Bible as a title deed.


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