"Frederick \"FN\" Noronha"
> Finally, I am not a fan of limitless migration as
> some have sought to suggest. What I've been 
> pointing to is that the  current round of Goan
> chauvinism that has become the dominant ideology for
> many, is filled with contradictions and questionable
> presuppositions. What I find
> particularly galling is the fact that the poor
> migrants are targeted, while the affluent are 
> welcomed with open arms. This, to me, shows a
> clear class bias. Sometimes racism. --

The migrants arriving in Goa today are doing so for
only one reason. They have heard that work is
available. As soon as that perception changes, the
flood will change to a tickle (and may well be

Some Goanetters insist that these (poor?) economic
immigrants bring crime with them. This seems strange
(to me) as no one wants to tackle the real criminals
i.e. the Russians, the Nigerians, the Israelis and
other drug lords who contribute to the coffers of the
current crop of elected officials in Goa. 

Once again, as the land issue proves, in a democracy,
you get the officials you deserve.


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