Dear Vivek,

You make very reasonable points. 

One has to exercise individual restraint on all
occasions. The trouble is though that a secular public
forum has people with diverse tastes, perceptions and
backgrounds. People also hold different types of
prejudice and misunderstanding. Some might believe in
the moral strictures codified in the blasphemy laws of
the 16th century, and in the literal interpretation of
the scriptures. Others might see nothing wrong with
resorting to name-calling, innuendo, abusive personal
attacks and use of vile language against individuals
who disagree with them. So what is considered sensible
might differ from person to person, irrespective of
whether one is allied to a particular group or not.

Regarding your question of whether I agree that
religious extremists have a right to free speech or
not, I would answer in the affirmative. Everybody has
a right to free speech. The only place I would draw
the line is on the subject of incitement or support of
violence against people and property. But as for
incitement of hatred, again, I think it depends on the
varied, and often, idiosyncratic tastes and
perceptions of each individual or group member. As I
am sure you know very well, hatred has been and is
being incited against individual members of this forum
by other members. Do you want to ban their hate-filled
writings? I don’t. 

Of course, as always, these are only my views.



Vivek wrote:
>Dear dr. helekar,
>Though I totally support your views regarding free
>speech and he dight to express ones views without
>censorship, I also believe that sometimes it is
>sensible not to exercise our right given the
>I would also like to know if you agree that Bal
>thackeray or a Pravin Togadia has the >right to free
>speech whcih they use to incite hatred?

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