Sorry Elisabeth that I have to break the bad news to you and many other ex
pats who thought that castes do not exist outside of Goa. They do - very
much. Whether in Toronto, Vancouver, and all the big cities in the USA where
our community has spread and of course in the UK. Maybe as a kid growing up
in the Middle East you did no notice it but the ME because it has a very
recent immigrant populace is especially culpable. Yes its more stratified
that our much loved bebinca. Why do moms bring their kids back to Goa to get
married? Because marriage is the one big highlight of our otherwise prosaic
lives when castes really matter.Please dont get me wrong - I am sure there
are many whose conscience is lily white but there are many others who
actually enjoy their 'status'.
 To your "I've always been very curious to know how one could
tell the "caste" of a person" - no its not tattooing for that would have
been too brazen. Fred quite astutely figured out a long time ago the
cunningness that delves in the question: "Where in Goa are you from?".
We should speak about this more viva voce.

I'm so glad I grew up in the Gulf. There, second
generation expat Goans were oblivious to the caste
system of Goa. Initially there were so few of us Goan
families, that we banded together just for friendship
and cultural comfort, regardless of caste or creed. We
had Goan clubs for all Goans, wonderful dances and
football tournaments, and most of us went to a school
run by Italian nuns and affiliated to the University
of London. That de facto became a Goan Catholic

It was only when I returned to Goa as an adult, that
the hideousness of the caste system in Goan Catholic
families became apparent to me.


--- Tony Barros <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> As for the Goan Gymkhana Club in Nairobi, membership
> was restricted
> to the "cream" de "creme"- the "Touchables"
> Brahmins. And after
> membership was opened following  Kenya's December
> 1963 independence,
> subtle forms of prejudice by brahmins continued to
> prevail. As
> also stated in my previous postings on the same
> subject, it was
> very apparent at dances when brahmin girls would
> refuse to dance with
> non-brahmin boys, and brahmin boys would not dance
> with non-brahmin
> girls- even though they studied with them from Grade
> 1 thru
> to Grade 12.
> Tony Barros.
> Union, New Jersey.
> U . S . A .

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