In response to Gilbert's msg of Jul 24/06:


You had another opportunity to list your "Rock Solid Moral Code". You failed. 
It's likely your cravenness prevented you from putting yourself out on a limb. 
Good for you. But your temerity did not prevent you from handing out 
sanctimonious rebukes.

Your sermao about wife, mai, pai, divorce, pre/extra-marital sex.....wherever 
that came a good attempt by you to confuse the original request 
from me..."sarkem goddxem kellem mure". First you wiggled out saying its not 
about the Christian moral code (just like Mario), then you said its not about 
the list but about the enforcement by soceity.

I'll give you your correction, that you and Mario are "inherently supporting 
the view that TRUE followers of specific religions, are MORE LIKELY TO BE 
morally superior to Atheists and Agnostics."

And I'll say - FALSE. You are wrong to take that ARROGANT stand. And that is 
the root of what I'm contesting. Just take the recent example provided by Tony 
Barros - its more than likely that the people who practiced casteism in Tanga 
were 'good' Catholics. And its also likely that the rioters in Sanvordem in 
March 2006 were practising Hindus. Their actions are definitely contradictory 
to their morals and beliefs. What about the US Catholic Church ? Nobody wants 
to hear about that! How can you explain to us that these people were morally 
superior to everyday Atheists and Agnostics ? 

And talking of the riots of Sanvordem, there was a deafening silence from the 
Christian quarter here only to be resurrected with the brutal murder of Fr. 
Eusebio. Where were the superior moralists at that time ?? 

And Mario,

Where can I start with must be dizzy with all the spinning you 
have been doing lately to avoid answering a direct query? I did not ask for 
your POINTS or AIRMILES; I asked for a list of moral codes. So difficult for 
you to stay on's a quote.....

"This is the same illogical thinking that your intellectual icon Santosh has 

My 'intellectual icon'? Are you so full of contempt that you think me 
intellectually inferior to require an icon ? Does anybody need an intellectual 
icon to speak his mind here? There is very little that can be debated or 
discussed with you, if you exude this air of superiority. To quote are wearing your halo too tight. As I explained to George 
Pinto two nights ago.....this is how some Goanetters eg. Mario Goveia, 
practices censorship. Intimidation and insulting.

Since you are unable to list the moral codes as requested and instead are 
pointing to the Golden Rule......I'd like to ask you is there any religion 
other than Satanism that does not have the Ethic of Reciprocity included as 
their core moral ? The Bahá'ís, Confucianism, Islam, Roman Pagans, 
Shinto.......all support the Rule of Reciprocity. Even Ron Hubbard's 
Scientologists. Philosophers and independent thinkers Epictetus, Plato, 
Socrates have all expounded their versions of this Rule.

But then again the Holy Books of many religions have passages that contradict 
their own Golden Rule. So we should restrain ourselves from claiming any 
religion to be superior, as all religions have their own distinct 

With re to this thread, I'd like to remind you that the genesis of this thread 
was the discussions about the banning of the DaVinci Code in Goa.

* On June 3/06, Santosh Helekar made the following post:

This is to remind ourselves that the notion that a moral compass or social 
conscience is dependent on adherence to some form of ideology, religion or 
atheistic belief system, has been thoroughly discredited in this and other 
Goan forums. It has also been shown that no religion, ideology or atheistic 
belief system has ever had a rock-solid moral compass.

* And on the same day June 3/06, Mario Goveia responded:

I agree with Santosh's redundant reminder that an individual's moral compass 
is theoretically not dependent on any ideology or religious or non-religious 
belief, and that the results can be the same on a day-to-day basis.

So even after agreeing to Santosh's assertion, Mario also wanted to do, what 
he does worst.....argue for the sake of arguing.  It is this superiority 
complex (that includes insulting and name-calling) that is like an inflammed 
ulcer in his otherwise suave delivery of prose. And in doing so, he has 
succeeded in fooling some that he is standing up against Catholic-bashing, all 
because he is debating Santosh, an avowed irreligionist.

* And here is a gem from Gilbert Lawrence on July 1/06:

I cannot understand why atheists cannot proclaim their virtues without 
condemning / denigrating religion. And the reverse is also true!  Thus all can 
show some degree of sensitivity and good judgement.

So with the above, Gilbert is conceding that the religionists (Gilbert and 
Mario) are denigrating atheists too. Why? Performing immoral acts in support 
of their moral codes ?? Why do Gilbert and Mario think they are nailed to the 
moral high ground?

I'd like to draw your attention to Domnic Fernandes' Aichea Disak Chintop of 
Jul 23/06

Munxeaponnachi mot eke sontre porim; ti ugtti astannam ekdom bori cholta.
(The human mind is like an umbrella; it functions best when open.)

Quote from The Dalai Lama:
"Every religion emphasizes human improvement, love, respect for others, 
sharing other people's suffering. On these lines every religion had more or 
less the same viewpoint and the same goal."

In closing......whether we are Catholics, Hindus, Agnostics, Atheists or in-
between......lets keep an open mind while exploring our spirituality and 
faith. However lets restrain ourselves from trying to grab the moral high 
ground for ourselves.

Best - Bosco

PS. This is my second and last post on this thread. Of course, Mario must have 
the last word.
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