Happy Birthday: St Britto's, which is 60 years old. Celebrations at St
Jerome's Church Mapusa 11 am on July 30, 2006. Football match Loyola's
vs. Britto's 11 am on July 31, 2006 at the school grounds.

On 28/07/06, velho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear Santosh,
> What is this nonsense of you not being an atheist and supporting all
> beliefs( including atheism). As the leader of the "free" world once said
> 'you are either with us or against us.....'

.....And Gabe even had the nerve to say the Iraqis fighting in Iraq were not
> insurgents and terrorist. Mr. Menezes are you some sort of vegan, hippie,
> free love crank?? The Americans have rid the world of the Taliban and
> Saddam(thus giving rise to their latest bogey man, Mr. Ahmedinejad). So what
> if under Saddam the atrocities and incaceration rates were very similar to
> the Saudi and Pakistani regimes( America's biggest alies) as well as
> China(favourite trade partner). The Iraqi's have now been liberated and are
> living happily under foreign occupation and only 3000 people are being
> killed every month in Iraq. Coming from an ex-colony yourself, you should
> respect the right of self righteous caucasian's to teach natives and
> terrorists on how their socities should evolve. After all who wants to live
> in a cosmopolitan multi racial/religious environment when it has been
> clearly proved by the many European and American governments that
> homogeneity works best. I've heard some loons calling for a woman or black
> president. Some even believe that too few Roman Catholics have previously
> been president.............

> Regards
> Sunith Velho
> Panjim-Goa

Comment: I am trying very hard indeed to make sense of your post,
which seems quite muddled to me as well as convoluted. I repeat there
are no terrorists in Iraq....what is happening there now is Sunnia Vs
Shias. In other words all out Civil War! This is a direct consequence
of USA + UK interference. When will these Powers learn to leave the
status quo as it is?

With your brand of thought, it would be a good thing indeed if the
majority in Goa, give the minority a good kick up their juncture and
make them conform??? After all they know what is best for us - Ask
Parrikar, I am sure he will confirm what I have stated.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England
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