Hi Cornel,

Thanks for your long reply.  Thanks for waiting for my response. Sunith thinks 
I work with the same efficiency as my computer.  Now he knows, that my e-mail 
response is a little faster than snail mail.  He is actually lucky, because 
some don’t even get my response.  Only the respected ones do. (half of the 10% 
of e-mails that I read).

In my quick review, your very long post had absolutely no statistical data for 
the 3 of 15 parameters, you selected.  Please note that, out of respect for 
you, I have refrained from characterizing the contents of your reply.   So can 
you please give us the facts / data for CURRENT English and Indian societies, 
at least on these 3 end-points?

Then we'll talk about the explanations and reasons for the differences / 
changes, using short pertinent points.  I'd love to dialogue with you. Yet, I 
sincerely have no time to read and digest long posts and then write / respond 
to them.  

You start your response describing my "rather simplistic view of exactly what 
is going on in contemporary Western societies", but end the paragraph about 
comparing it with yester-year's society. Your conclusions  on the 15 end-points 
is "Would this not be axiomatic perhaps?" (pl. see below).

Not all of us are English language scholars.  Webster's definition of axiomatic 
is "a statement universally accepted as true" ... "An established principle or 
law of a science or art" .... "A statement that needs no proof because it is 
obvious and self-evident".

Does not this statement of conclusion of yours TOTALLY CONTRADICT what your 
"pro-science" and "pro-logic" friend Santosh recently said about 
socio-economically advanced societies compared to traditional societies?  How 
come you never challenged him with your long thesis that it was HIS conclusions 
that were just "hackneyed ...  clichés"?  I am still waiting to hear his data 
on these parameters in the US compared to India. With his and your 
computer-search skill, that data should not be difficult.

Aum / Ami rautam tujea borea respostak.  
Aum tujo Goenkar bhau, GL 

PS: I am only using the 100 years as Santosh in his response referred to 
ancient societies.  For want of better terms, I have used Traditional and 
socio-economically advanced.  Most goanneters know what we mean by this. So 
let's not argue the semantics.  That (semantics) is not the purpose of this 

--------------- cornel wrote:  
Hi Gilbert 
You seem to have a rather simplistic view of exactly what is going on in 
contemporary Western societies including the USA where you have chosen to live. 
You also want to contrast and compare the USA and India of over 100 years ago. 
I simply ask what for? What do you hope to discover?  Do you want us to say 
that India was infinitely more virtuous than the USA is today? Would this not 
be axiomatic perhaps?  Have you never read about social change in society?
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