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Dear Dr Colaco and Dr Helekar,

Although both of you offer interesting points of view,
I tend to have a third perspective. Evil, as we
traditionally define it, cannot exist if one is either
an agnostic or atheist. The concept of evil, is a
corollary to the concept of God, hence evil emanates
from the devil and goodness from God.

To me all "evil" is just mental dysfunction. It is the
belief that one is right and it is dysfunction because
at the extreme end of the spectrum it makes the person
incompatible with society. In between there are
various degrees of this dysfunction.

Hence a person can be "god-fearing" as in Andrea Yates
(who feared God so much she drowned 5 of her kids) and
"evil" at the same time, by the traditional definition
of what is evil. In another time and century she would
have been burnt at the stake for being a witch
perhaps. Mercifully our understanding of mental
disorders, post-partum depressing and other
dysfunction today enables us to appropriately classify
this "evil".

As we learn more about the mysteries of the mind, in
time we will be able to identify more accurately, all
forms of "evil".

--- Jose Colaco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Santosh Helejar wrote: <A misconception that has
> just been propagated in 
> this forum is that god-fearing people cannot be
> evil. This misconception can 
> be easily refuted by giving several present-day
> examples of god-fearing 
> people who are evil, or have committed evil acts.>
> My dear Santoshbab,
> It is almost always that you profer the right point.
> I am afraid that this 
> is not one of those times.
> I submit to you that the term An Evil God Fearing
> Person .... is an 
> oxymoron.
> A God-fearing person cannot be evil; If he is, he
> cannot be God-fearing.

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