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On 05/08/06, cornel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Goanetters,
> I think Santosh is making a very valid point that God-fearing people can,
> and do engage in horrendous evil. Osama bin Ladan is a perfect example,
> killing for his warped view of the love of his God-fearing maker, and the
> 'sacred' land of Saudi Arabia where Mohamed the prophet was born and lived.
> And so are the suicide bombers, wanting to get to heaven in double-quick
> time to meet the God they so fear and also love! So also were the Crusaders
> in earlier times...........................

Comment: God fearing, in this day and age too!

George Bush: 'God told me to end the tyranny in Iraq'


and some more....

Tony Blair's announcement that he will henceforward account only to
God for the Iraq war makes perfect sense. Every secular reason he has
concocted for the catastrophe has turned out to be the reverse of the
truth: there were no weapons of mass destruction, we are less safe
from terrorism, the Iraqi people themselves do not want us in their
country. No more of his excuses for this epic man-made disaster stand
an earthly chance of being believed.


Now please, inform me that these, two leaders cannot really be 'God
fearing' they should be clubbed with the 'inquisitors' the 'Islamo
facists' the 'Hindutva brigade' the 'Hezbollah' the newly liberated
'Iraqi Shiites' , the 'Sunni Insurgents' and the  'Bubbas' inhabiting
the Southern States of U.S.A as well as and not forgetting the Toledo,
Ohio, clown.

Gabe Menezes.
London, England
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