If Opposition Leader Manohar Parrikar and Chief Minister Pratap Singh Rane
have the Political Will and A Crime-Free Goa in mind, they both will ensure
swift Biblical justice in Goa to the murderers of Mandar Surlakar - by fast
tracking the case through the courts and a widely televised public
cruxifiction upside down on the cross in the Panjim Maidan. There should be
no excuse or sympathy for these heartless criminals who commit senseless
murders whether Christao or Kokne, Goenkar or Bhaile.

I recommend that CM Mr. Rane  and Opposition Leader Mr. Parrikar also work
to change the constitution or the penal code or do whatever is necessary to
institute the death penalty by public Hanging on the Cross - the symbol of
the popular Catholic religion in Goa. I also recommend the constitution be
changed to facilitate harvesting the organs of these criminals for
transplant so that many others may live after these notorius criminals are
executed biblical style. After all all life is sacred and we must uphold
victim's rights and not criminal's rights and facilitate saving the lives of
many Goans who are waiting for organ transplants in Goa. All the pity for
these murderous criminals shown by Goans is just encouraging Goans and
inviting Bhailles to come to Goa and commit murder because they are assured
of a free-ride from the dealth penalty by pro-criminal rights Goans ! All
this has got to stop and we Goans need to make a statement by instituting
public cruxifiction and harvesting of the criminals organs as the form of
death penalty in Goa.

Apparently, Rohan Pai Dungat (19), Sheikh Nafiyaz Mamlekar(19), Shankar
Lalta Tiwari (22), all from Vasco, Ryan Francisco Pinto (20) from Ucassaim
near Mapusa and Al-Saleha Gani Beig (20) of Bicholim have been charged with
the murder.

These murderers of Mandar Surlakar should be made an example of and denied
the priviledge of a delayed, private, painless execution. It appears that
some of our "holier than thou"  Goan members of various forums on the
internet are more for criminal's rights than victim's rights and this is
contributing to the deteriorating law and order situation in Goa ! With this
kind of attitude, criminals are confident of getting a joy-ride in Goa
inspite of their murderous activities and this must stop ASAP !

BTW The UAE and Saudi Arabia have got much lower crime rates than the US, UK
or India. Although the US has the death penalty, it is implemented
semi-privately through a painless injection and that is not an effective
enough deterrent and they have yet to harvest the organs of the criminals as
they do in China - another country with a low crime rate !

I am sorry for Ryan Pinto's and the other muderers' relatives - they will be
horrified at these suggestions and at the thought of what awaits their
murderers if these measures are instituted in Goa - However, if these
biblical measues were instituted a few months back when I suggested them for
Fr. Eusebio's killers, Ryan and the others might have thought twice before
committing such a ghastly murder - Mandar Surlakar may have been still alive
and so many lives may not have been disrupted.

Such widely publicized death sentences and harvesting of the criminal's
organs for transplants are effective deterrents and are the need of the hour
if Goa is to remain relatively safe and crime-free. Goans should have no
mercy on guys who commit such heinous crimes.

Best Regards,
Dr. Carmo D'Cruz,
Indian Harbour Beach, FL

>From: Goanet Reader 
>The Creeping Malaise: When Youth Consume Themselves, Meaninglessly
>by V. M. de Malar
>The senseless murder of Mandar Surlakar by his own best
>friends has been a rude shock. All involved are our children
>-- young men who grew up in our famously relaxed, supposedly
>peaceful atmosphere. The murderers are not gangsters; they
>represent an affluent part of our society.
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