> Mario wrote:
> After all Stalin, Mao, Ho, Pol, Fidel and Kim were
> and are still considered upstanding atheists.
> Aristo enquired:
> Mario,
> Can you please inform us who and when did anyone on
> Goanet stated that any of the above were
> upstanding? I would like to give them a piece of
> my mind, just as I did to Vivek!
Mario in turn asks:
In spite of my mentioning these tyrants several times,
can you cite for me a single atheist on Goanet that
has categorically repudiated or condemned their

Aristo responds:
So in the world according to Mario, falsehoods become facts merely
based on whether anyone fails to repudiate it or endorse the opposite!  I
must say, "Devastating" Logic! Which means, in the world according to
Mario, everyone on Goanet (including silent members) who has not
chided Nasci for his denigration of innocuous Hindu practices and the
religion as a whole, can be safely assumed to agree with Nasci.

So the above is clear evidence of Mario's false statements, that too,
ironically on a thread titled "Fake Quotes"!

Mario enquires:

As a recent convert to atheism, please let us know how
we would know that an atheist had lost his standing as
an atheist by committing even gross atrocities.

Aristo responds:
Mario, an Atheist is still an Atheist after committing gross
atrocities. My question was who considered them upstanding, but sadly,
you have tried to distort my question. The meaning of "upstanding" is
morally admirable. And FYI, I have been an atheist for the last 5
years, agnostic for 3 years before that.

Aristo asked:
> Also, as for Fidel, I must admit that I am ignorant
> about his brutalities, besides imprisonment of his
> political opponents and dictatorship of course. As
> my 2nd request, can you please offer us
> some impartial (read non-american) and credible
> sources of information of his brutalities?
Mario wrote:
Where did you get the quaint idea that the
"non-American" media is "impartial"??  Some are,
others like Al Jazeera, Reuters and the BBC, are not.
In this day and age, one has to follow a broad
spectrum of news to get a sense of the truth, often by
reading between the lines and picking up on what is
not reported.

Aristo responds:

Surely my request for non-American sources is understandable in this
particular case, given America's long standing prejudice against Cuba.
Mario has the choice of the media of 242 countries besides America to
make his case for Fidel Castro being a mass murderer.

Mario wrote:
I find it amusing to say the least that ALL you find
wrong with Fidel's brutalities are the
"...imprisonment of his political opponents and
dictatorship...".  Isn't that enough for someone like
you who apparently wants freedom and democracy only
for yourself?
Perhaps the media you follow has omitted to mention
the thousands of Cubans who risk their lives each and
every year in rickety boats and rafts to escape from
Cuba.  Ask yourself why people would risk their lives
to get away from a country, year in and year out, for
decades now, even though some Canadian Goanetters
marvel at Cuba's free education and health care and
allegedly cutting-edge medical technology.
Aristo responds:
The other tyrants on Mario's list were genocidal mass murderer's. I am
still ignorant about Fidel. Wikipedia states that "thousands of
Political Opponents were killed in 1959", but cites a source of an
American Librarian named Matthew White. So the truth is still "out
there".  And Mario's arguments above are mere rhetoric without any
facts (or in the colourful language of my peers; all gas and no
....! ;-)).  And just for the sake of argument, the largest number of
sea-faring illegal immigrants to the US are from the democratic
Dominican Republic, per the American media itself.

Mario wrote:
As I have said before, I strongly suspect you either
don't read what I say or are so busy interpreting what
I say that you miss what I have clearly said

Aristo responds:

Mario, as I have said before, I strongly suspect you either don't read
what you say or you don't practise what you preach.

And for the record, I categorically condemn the mass murders by
Stalin, Mao, Ho, Pol and Kim. As for Fidel, I am still ignorant about
his alleged mass murders, which may very well be true. But I am aware
of his unjust imprisonment of political opponents and Dictatorship,
and I certainly do not endorse it and for the same reason, I do not
consider Fidel as upstanding. And I fully support Nasci's stance
against Casteism but nothing more.

To all Goanetters, I will try to keep this as my last engagement with
Mario for a while, unless he suckers me into responding again, which
you can't hold against me. I apologise for having dragged on the Great
Religion debate, but hope to avoid it like I successfully have with
the Great Iraq debate.

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