I Nasci, wants to add and expound a bit more on what
Dr Philomena has very nicely compiled in this post,
and not necessarily criticize it! In my senior's
submission to Goa Sudharop, I mentioned that Goa of
today is 'Un Livable' compared to what it was in my
youth and when I last lived in Goa. I expected
goanetters to question me about it, but none came; so
I wanted to write under a heading "Livability in Goa
2006!" But alas Dr Giese has beaten me to it. So I
have to ride on the back of what she has already
written, and add to it wherever. This wouldn't be
plagiarisation even minor, I hope!
Please read me under this new headline! Thanks.

Nasci Caldeira

>"Inconvenient truths about Goa, 2006: Degredation
>>and the downward spiral"
> By Filomena Saraswati Giese
> Berkeley, California
> Change comes to all communities sooner or later. 
> But after being brought up in a pristine and
>>socegad Goa, it's hard not to notice that the price
>>for development in Goa is a very noticeable
>>degradation of the ecology and other social factors
>>By this time, just about everyone has seen Al Gore's
> provocative film, "An Inconvenient Truth." I would
> like to share some specific "inconvenient truths"
>>about the Goa of 2006 that I observed on my recent
>>trip to Goa.

>etc etc etc.

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