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It is intriguing to learn that 7 fallen daughters of Eve escaped from a Goan 
penitentiary in Merces by removing the roof tiles of their Protective 
custody facility. Using verse,  I would like to express my amazement at 
their initiative and gall to get past the prison guards. I wonder whether 
they were eventually caught and returned to their destined premises.

Displaying guts and employing rare guile
The redoubtable seven removed roof tiles
In order to get away, then hopefully resile
Jumping beyond the prison walls in a pile
These naughty ones must  use  their wiles
As they flee the law for many a desperate mile
To get to the badlands beyond the police revile
and have a chance their burdensome chains to file
Their bold actions may seem rash and  infantile
But caged inside they abhorred the harsh domicile
Deciding  to dash hard for Freedom after a while
The Dreams of Liberty engaging their minds fertile
But alas if caught to the possibility will they reconcile
By the time they ever got out again they'd be senile?

The Goanet News headlines are interesting. They give a realistic flavour of 
what transpires in the Motherland and the daily trends of life on the Goan 
scene. From the above news item is one to infer there's a rise in female 
criminal activity? Also are the prison systems understaffed?
Keep up the good work.
Arnold Noronha

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