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--- "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote:
> Hi Selma,
> Wendell has been a beacon of hope for so many in a
> land steeped in
> hypocrisy and prejudice.  He made international news
> a few years ago and
> continues to 'walk the walk' for gay rights and the
> environment in Goa.
> .htm
> However, I'm not so sure about our new Bush-clone PM
> Steven Harper's plans
> to re-open the same-sex marriage issue that has been
> settled by the highest
> court in the land.
> http://www.equal-marriage.ca/resource.php?id=517
Mario responds:
As with private religious beliefs I have no problems
with what consenting adults of any gender or
cdombination of genders do in private as long as they
eschew stuffing it in my face.
I'm so glad that Kevin and Selma are ecstatic that
Wendell has been a "beacon of hope" for gays in Goa. 
I, too, am glad for all of them, as it must be
difficult to be gay in straight-laced Goa.
However, as usual Kevin, who preaches tolerance and
conciliation snidely interspersed with exactly the
opposite, takes this opportumity to obfuscate the
debate about gay marriage in the US and Canada. 
Apparently in Canada, as in Britain, any time their
leader happens to have an opinion that crosses paths
with the US-administration, they are referred to by
their political opponents as "Bush-clones".  No such
reference is made when they disagree with the US
I don't particularly care what the Canadians do so I
will restrict my remarks to the US.
Marriage in most of the US is defined as the formal
legal union of a man and a woman, not a man and a man,
or a woman and a woman, or a man and several women, or
several women and a man, or a grown-up and a child, or
a human with an non-human, all options that would open
up under anti-discrimination laws if the definition is
changed for one group.  One US state, Massachussetts,
"recognizes same sex marriages", other states
recognize "civil unions".  This has already led to
lawsuits by polygamists demanding the same privileges.
Those who fit the other definitions, have the ability
to enter into legal contracts with any content they
choose to include, generally referred to as "domestic
partnership" agreements or "civil unions".  Even
non-gay friends who live together out of convenience
can do so.  They just cannot call it "marriage",
because large percentages of Americans of all kinds,
including flaming liberals on everything else, have
legally opined through the democratic process that
they do not want the traditional and legal definition
of marriage changed.
It's as simple as that.
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