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I read a quote once, can't remember where; nature
abhors a freak but cannot go for long without
producing one. When I use the term freak, I mean only
an aberration.

I think alternative lifestyles and genetic/chromosomal
aberrations such as homosexuality, eunuchism,
transvestism, have a very difficult time in India.
They are still mired in superstition and
misunderstanding of human sexuality and genetics.

If indeed bonkist and bonkmarop are words used in Goa
to describe homosexuality, all humour aside, it speaks
to the paucity of our understanding of such matters
not mention our lack of compassion.

Just as colour, race, economic circumstance, caste and
creed have long been used as an indictment on men's
character, so is sexual orientation used to
marginalise and demean sections of society. And we
should have none of it.


--- Roland Francis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Gay marriages on the rise in Goa
> Press Trust Of India
> Panaji: The number of gays entering into wedlock in
> Goa is on the rise
> and groups working for homosexual rights are
> demanding legal cover for
> such marriages.

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