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It appears that MG would like to pass on this publication to his Indian
counterparts in the hope that they may develop into western clones.
He could also take some advice from

Here is an excerpt from a review of Chasing Dirt: The American Pursuit of
"In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, Europeans were shocked by
Americans' filthiness: dirty bodies and clothes; cluttered, malodorous
farms and homes; littered, vermin-infested villages and cities. By the
middle of the twentieth century, foreign visitors laughed at Americans'
obsession with cleanliness: a fondness for showers and deodorants and
sanitation and odor eradication that struck most of the world as neurotic."

Kevin Saldanha
Mississauga, ON.


Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2006 19:28:39 -0700 (PDT)
From: Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] An Inconvenient truth/Sunith

What continues to confound me, however, is the utter
lack of civic sense and respect in India for the
physical space of the general public and one's
neighbors. This manifests itself in the urinating and
defecating in public, the spitting and throwing of
thrash wherever one can get away with it and the
strange transformation from sane to insane as soon as
a car door closes behind the driver.
What makes westerners, who are a cut below in
intellect, a cut above in basic civic sense? I hope
and pray that it is better education, better literacy
rates and better economic conditions that will change
these disgusting and embarrassing Indian traits as
time goes by.

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